and constipation are exceedingly common and together exact an enormous toll in
terms of morbidity, loss of work productivity, and consumption of medical
resources. Worldwide, more than 1 billion people suffer one or more episodes of
acute diarrhea each year. Among the 100 million persons affected annually by
acute diarrhea in the United States, nearly half must restrict activities, 10%
consult physicians, 250,000 require hospitalization, and roughly 3000 die
(primarily the elderly). The annual economic burden to society is estimated at
>$20 billion. Because of poor sanitation and more limited access to health
care, acute infectious diarrhea remains one of the most common causes of
mortality in developing countries, particularly among children, accounting for
5 to 8 million deaths per year. Population statistics on chronic diarrhea and
constipation are more uncertain, perhaps due to variable definitions and
reporting, but the frequency of these conditions is also high. Based on United
States population surveys, prevalence rates for chronic diarrhea range from 2
to 7% and for chronic constipation from 3 to 17%. Diarrhea and constipation are
among the most common patient complaints faced by internists and primary care
physicians, and they account for nearly 50% of referrals to
Although diarrhea and
constipation may present as mere nuisance symptoms at one extreme, they can be
severe or life-threatening at the other. Even mild symptoms may signal a
serious underlying gastrointestinal lesion, such as colorectal cancer, or
systemic disorder, such as thyroid disease. Given the heterogeneous causes and
potential severity of these common complaints, it is imperative for clinicians
to appreciate the pathophysiology, etiologic classification, diagnostic
strategies, and therapeutic principles of diarrhea and constipation so that
rational and cost-effective care can be delivered.
The human small intestine
and colon perform important functions including the secretion and absorption of
water and electrolytes, the storage and subsequent transport of intraluminal
contents aborally, and the salvage of some nutrients after bacterial metabolism
of carbohydrate that are not absorbed in the small intestine. The main motor
functions are summarized in Table 1. Alterations in fluid and electrolyte
handling contribute significantly to diarrhea. Alterations in motor and sensory
functions of the human colon result in highly prevalent syndromes such as
irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, and chronic constipation.
TABLE 1 Normal
Gastrointestinal Motility:
Functions at
Different Anatomic Levels
Stomach and small bowel
Synchronized MMCs in fasting Accommodation, trituration, mixing, transit Stomach, ~3 h Small bowel, ~3 h Ileal reservoir empties boluses |
Colon: Irregular mixing, absorption, transit
Ascending, transverse: reservoirs Descending: conduit Sigmoid/rectum: volitional reservoir |
Note: MMC, migrating motor complex.
The small
intestine and colon have intrinsic and extrinsic innervation. The intrinsic innervation, also called the enteric nervous
system, comprises myenteric, submucosal, and mucosal neuronal layers. The
function of these layers is modulated by interneurons through the actions of
neurotransmitter amines or peptides, including acetylcholine, opioids,
norepinephrine, serotonin, ATP, and nitric oxide. The myenteric plexus
regulates smooth-muscle function, and the submucosal plexus affects secretion
and absorption.
The extrinsic innervations of the small intestine and colon are
part of the autonomic nervous system and also modulate both motor and secretory
functions. The parasympathetic nerve supply conveys both visceral sensory as
well as excitatory pathways to the motor components of the colon.
Parasympathetic fibers via the vagus nerve reach the small intestine and
proximal colon along the branches of the superior mesenteric artery. The distal
colon is supplied by sacral parasympathetic nerves (S2–4) via the
pelvic plexus; these fibers course through the wall of the colon as ascending
intracolonic fibers as far as, and in some instances including, the proximal
colon. The chief excitatory neurotransmitters controlling motor function are
acetylcholine and the tachykinins, such as substance P. The sympathetic nerve
supply modulates motor functions and reaches the small intestine and colon
alongside the arterial arcades of the superior and inferior mesenteric vessels.
Sympathetic input to the gut is generally excitatory to sphincters and inhibitory
to nonsphincteric muscle. Visceral afferents convey sensation from the gut to
the central nervous system; initially, they course along sympathetic fibers,
but as they approach the spinal cord they separate, have cell bodies in the
dorsal root ganglion, and enter the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Afferent
signals are conveyed to the brain along the lateral spinothalamic tract and the
nociceptive dorsal column pathway and are then perceived. Other afferent fibers
synapse in the prevertebral ganglia and reflexly modulate intestinal motility.
On an
average day, 9 L of fluid enters the gastrointestinal tract; approximately 1 L
of residual fluid reaches the colon; the stool excretion of fluid constitutes
about 0.2 L/d. The colon has a large capacitance and functional reserve and may
recover up to four times its usual volume of 0.8 L/d, provided the rate of flow
permits reabsorption to occur. Thus, the colon can partially compensate for
intestinal absorptive or secretory disorders.
In the
colon, sodium absorption is predominantly electrogenic, and uptake takes place
at the apical membrane; it is compensated for by the export functions of the
basolateral sodium pump. A variety of neural and non-neural mediators regulate
colonic fluid and electrolyte balance, including cholinergic, adrenergic, and
serotonergic mediators. Angiotensin and aldosterone also influence colonic
absorption, reflecting the common embryologic development of the distal colonic
epithelium and the renal tubules.
fasting, the motility of the small intestine is characterized by a cyclical
event called the migrating motor complex (MMC), which serves to clear
nondigestible residue from the small intestine. This organized, propagated
series of contractions lasts on average 4 min, occurs every 60 to 90 min, and
usually involves the entire small intestine. After food ingestion, the small
intestine produces irregular, mixing contractions of relatively low amplitude,
except in the distal ileum where more powerful contractions occur
intermittently and empty the ileum by bolus transfers.
The distal
ileum acts as a reservoir, emptying intermittently by bolus movements. This
action allows time for salvage of fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients.
Segmentation by haustra compartmentalizes the colon and facilitates mixing,
retention of residue, and formation of solid stools. In health, the ascending
and transverse regions of colon function as reservoirs (average transit, 15 h),
and the descending colon acts as a conduit (average transit, 3 h). The colon is
efficient at conserving sodium and water, a function that is particularly
important in sodium-depleted patients in whom the small intestine alone is
unable to maintain sodium balance. Diarrhea or constipation may result from
alteration in the reservoir function of the proximal colon or the propulsive
function of the left colon. Constipation may also result from disturbances of
the rectal or sigmoid reservoir, typically as a result of dysfunction of the
pelvic floor or the coordination of defecation.
The small
intestinal MMC only rarely continues into the colon. However, short duration or
phasic contractions mix colonic contents, and high-amplitude propagated
contractions (HAPCs) are sometimes associated with mass movements through the
colon and occur approximately five times per day, usually on awakening in the
morning and postprandially. Increased frequency of HAPCs may result in diarrhea.
The predominant phasic contractions are irregular and nonpropagated and serve
as a “mixing” function.
tone refers to the background contractility upon which phasic contractile
activity (typically contractions lasting <15 s) is superimposed. It is an
important cofactor in the colon's capacitance (volume accommodation) and
After meal
ingestion, colonic phasic and tonic contractility increase for a period of
approximately 2 h. The initial phase (about 10 min) is mediated by the vagus
nerve in response to mechanical distention of the stomach. The subsequent
response of the colon requires caloric stimulation and is at least in part
mediated by hormones, e.g., gastrin and serotonin.
FIGURE 1 Mechanisms
involved in continence and defecation. Note the importance of pelvic floor and
anal sphincter functions. Continence requires: contraction of puborectalis,
maintenance of anorectal angle, normal rectal sensation, and contraction of
sphincter. Defecation requires: relaxation of puborectalis, straightening of
anorectal angle, and relaxation of sphincter.
contraction of the puborectalis muscle, which forms a sling around the
rectoanal junction, is important to maintain continence; during defecation,
sacral parasympathetic nerves relax this muscle, facilitating the straightening
of the rectoanal angle (Fig. 1). Distention of the rectum results in transient
relaxation of the internal anal sphincter via intrinsic and reflex sympathetic
innervation. As sigmoid and rectal contractions increase the pressure within
the rectum, the rectosigmoid angle opens by >15°. Voluntary relaxation of
the external anal sphincter (striated muscle innervated by the pudendal nerve)
permits the evacuation of feces; this evacuation process can be augmented by an
increase in intraabdominal pressure created by the Valsalva maneuver.
Diarrhea is
loosely defined as passage of abnormally liquid or unformed stools at an
increased frequency. For adults on a typical Western diet, stool weight >200
g/d can generally be considered diarrheal. Because of the fundamental
importance of duration to diagnostic considerations, diarrhea may be further
defined as acute if <2 weeks, persistent
if 2 to 4 weeks, and chronic if >4 weeks in
Two common
conditions, usually associated with the passage of stool totaling <200 g/d,
must be distinguished from diarrhea, as diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms
differ. Pseudodiarrhea, or the frequent passage of
small volumes of stool, is often associated with rectal urgency and accompanies
the irritable bowel syndrome or anorectal disorders such as proctitis. Fecal incontinence is the involuntary discharge of rectal
contents and is most often caused by neuromuscular disorders or structural
anorectal problems. Diarrhea and urgency, especially if severe, may aggravate
or cause incontinence. Pseudodiarrhea and fecal incontinence occur at
prevalence rates comparable to or higher than that of chronic diarrhea and
should always be considered in patients complaining of “diarrhea.” A careful
history and physical examination generally allow these conditions to be
discriminated from true diarrhea.
More than
90% of cases of acute diarrhea are caused by infectious agents; these cases are
often accompanied by vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. The remaining 10% or
so are caused by medications, toxic ingestions, ischemia, and other conditions.
Infectious Agents
Most infectious diarrheas
are acquired by fecal-oral transmission via direct personal contact or, more
commonly, via ingestion of food or water contaminated with pathogens from human
or animal feces. In the immunologically competent person, the resident fecal
microflora, containing >500 taxonomically distinct species, are rarely the
source of diarrhea and may actually play a role in suppressing the growth of
ingested pathogens. Acute infection or injury occurs when the ingested agent
overwhelms the host's mucosal immune and nonimmune (gastric acid, digestive
enzymes, mucus secretion, peristalsis, and suppressive resident flora)
defenses. Established clinical associations with specific enteropathogens may
offer diagnostic clues.
In the
United States, high risk groups are recognized:
Nearly 40% of tourists to endemic regions of Latin America, Africa, and Asia
develop so-called traveler's diarrhea, most commonly due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli as well as to Campylobacter,
Shigella, and Salmonella.
Visitors to Russia (especially St. Petersburg) may have increased risk of Giardia-associated diarrhea; visitors to Nepal may acquire Cyclospora. Campers, backpackers, and swimmers in wilderness
areas may become infected with Giardia.
of certain foods. Diarrhea closely following food consumption at a
picnic, banquet, or restaurant may suggest infection with Salmonella,
Campylobacter, or Shigella
from chicken; enterohemorrhagic E. coli (O157:H7) from
undercooked hamburger; Bacillus aureus from fried
rice; Staphylococcus aureus or Salmonella
from mayonnaise or creams; Salmonella from eggs; and Vibrio species, Salmonella, or
acute hepatitis A or B from seafood, especially if raw.
persons. Individuals at risk for diarrhea include those with
either primary immunodeficiency (e.g., IgA deficiency, common variable
hypogammaglobulinemia, chronic granulomatous disease) or the much more common
secondary immunodeficiency states (e.g., AIDS, senescence, pharmacologic
suppression). Common enteropathogens often cause a more severe and protracted
diarrheal illness, and, particularly in persons with AIDS, opportunistic
infections, such as by Mycobacterium species, certain
viruses (cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and herpes simplex), and protozoa (Cryptosporidium, Isospora belli,
Microsporidia, and Blastocystis hominis) may also play
a role. In patients with AIDS, agents transmitted venereally per rectum (e.g., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum,
Chlamydia) may contribute to proctocolitis.
participants and their family members.
Infections with Shigella, Giardia,
Cryptosporidium, rotavirus, and other agents are very
common and should be considered.
persons. Infectious diarrhea is one of the most frequent
categories of nosocomial infections in many hospitals and long-term care
facilities; the causes are a variety of microorganisms but most commonly Clostridium difficile.
TABLE 2 Association between Pathobiology of Causative
Agents and Clinical Features in Acute Infectious Diarrhea
Incubation Period
Abdominal Pain
Toxin producers
Preformed toxin
Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
1–8 h
8–24 h |
3–4+, watery
Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Aeromonas species
8–72 h
3–4+, watery
Enteropathogenic and enteroadherent, E. coli, Giardia
organisms, cryptosporidiosis, helminths
1–8 d
1–2+, watery
Clostridium difficile
1–3 d
1–3+, usually watery, occasionally bloody
Hemorrhagic E. coli
12–72 h
1–3+, initially watery, quickly bloody
Invasive organisms
Minimal inflammation
Rotavirus and Norwalk agent
1–3 d
1–3+, watery
Variable inflammation
Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Aeromonas
species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia
12 h–11 d
1–4+, watery or bloody
Severe inflammation
Shigella species, enteroinvasive E.
coli, Entamoeba histolytica
12 h–8 d
1–2+, bloody
pathophysiology underlying acute diarrhea by infectious agents produces
specific clinical features that may also be helpful in diagnosis (Table 2).
Profuse watery diarrhea secondary to small bowel hypersecretion occurs with ingestion of preformed bacterial toxins,
enterotoxin-producing bacteria, and enteroadherent pathogens. Diarrhea
associated with marked vomiting and minimal or no fever may occur abruptly
within a few hours after ingestion of the former two types; vomiting is usually
less, and abdominal cramping or bloating is greater; fever is higher with the
latter. Cytotoxin-producing and invasive microorganisms all cause high fever
and abdominal pain. Invasive bacteria and Entamoeba
histolytica often cause bloody diarrhea (referred to as dysentery). Yersinia invades the
terminal ileal and proximal colon mucosa and may cause especially severe
abdominal pain with tenderness mimicking acute appendicitis.
infectious diarrhea may be associated with systemic manifestations. Reiter's
syndrome (arthritis, urethritis, and conjunctivitis) may accompany or follow
infections by Salmonella, Campylobacter,
Shigella, and Yersinia.
Yersiniosis may also lead to an autoimmune-type thyroiditis, pericarditis, and
glomerulonephritis. Both enterohemorrhagic E. coli
(O157:H7) and Shigella can lead to the hemolytic-uremic syndrome with an attendant high mortality
rate. Acute diarrhea can also be a major symptom of several systemic infections
including viral hepatitis, listeriosis,
legionellosis, and toxic shock
Other Causes
effects from medications are probably the most common noninfectious cause of
acute diarrhea, and etiology may be suggested by a temporal association between
use and symptom onset. Although innumerable medications may produce diarrhea,
some of the more frequently incriminated include antibiotics, cardiac
antidysrhythmics, antihypertensives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), certain antidepressants, chemotherapeutic agents, bronchodilators,
antacids, and laxatives. Occlusive or nonocclusive ischemic
colitis typically occurs in persons >50 years, often presents as
acute lower abdominal pain preceding watery, then bloody diarrhea, and
generally results in acute inflammatory changes in the sigmoid or left colon
while sparing the rectum. Acute diarrhea may accompany colonic diverticulitis and graft-versus-host
disease. Acute diarrhea, often associated with systemic compromise, can
follow ingestion of toxins including organophosphate insecticides, amanita and
other mushrooms, arsenic, and preformed environmental toxins in seafoods, such
as ciguatera and scombroid. The conditions causing chronic diarrhea can also be
confused with acute diarrhea early in their course. This confusion may occur
with inflammatory bowel disease and some of the other inflammatory chronic
diarrheas that may have an abrupt rather than insidious onset and exhibit
features that mimic infection.
decision to evaluate acute diarrhea depends on its severity and duration and on
various host factors (Fig. 2). Most episodes of acute diarrhea are mild and
self-limited and do not justify the cost and potential morbidity of diagnostic
or pharmacologic interventions. Indications for evaluation include profuse
diarrhea with dehydration, grossly bloody stools, fever ≥38.5° C, duration
>48 h without improvement, new community outbreaks, associated severe
abdominal pain in patients >50 years, and elderly (≥70 years) or
immunocompromised patients. In some cases of moderately severe febrile diarrhea
associated with fecal leukocytes (or increased fecal levels of the leukocyte
proteins) or with gross blood, a diagnostic evaluation might be avoided in
favor of an empirical antibiotic trial (see below).
cornerstone of diagnosis in those suspected of severe acute infectious diarrhea
is microbiologic analysis of the stool. Workup includes cultures for bacterial
and viral pathogens, direct inspection for ova and parasites, and immunoassays
for certain bacterial toxins (C. difficile), viral
Algorithm for the management of acute diarrhea. Consider empirical Rx before
evaluation with (*) metronidazole and (†) with quinolone.
antigens (rotavirus), and
protozoal antigens (Giardia, E.
histolytica). The aforementioned clinical and epidemiologic associations
may assist in focusing the evaluation. If a particular pathogen or set of
possible pathogens is so implicated, then either the whole panel of routine
studies may not be necessary or, in some instances, special cultures may be
appropriate as for enterohemorrhagic and other types of E.
coli, Vibrio species, and Yersinia.
Molecular diagnosis of pathogens in stool can be made by identification of
unique DNA sequences; and evolving microarray technologies could lead to a more
rapid, sensitive, specific, and cost-effective diagnostic approach in the
diarrhea is commonly due to Giardia, but additional
causative organisms that should be considered include C.
difficile (especially if antibiotics had been administered), E. histolytica, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, and others. If stool studies are unrevealing,
then flexible sigmoidoscopy with biopsies and upper endoscopy with duodenal
aspirates and biopsies may be indicated.
examination by sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or abdominal computed tomographic
scanning (or other imaging approaches) may be appropriate in patients with
uncharacterized persistent diarrhea to exclude inflammatory bowel disease, or
as an initial approach in patients with suspected noninfectious acute diarrhea
such as might be caused by ischemic colitis, diverticulitis, or partial bowel
Fluid and electrolyte
replacement are of central importance to all forms of acute diarrhea. Fluid
replacement alone may suffice for mild cases. Oral sugar-electrolyte solutions
(sport drinks or designed formulations) should be instituted promptly with
severe diarrhea to limit dehydration, which is the major cause of death.
Profoundly dehydrated patients, especially infants and the elderly, require
intravenous rehydration.
moderately severe nonfebrile and nonbloody diarrhea, antimotility antisecretory
agents such as loperamide can be useful adjuncts to control symptoms. Such
agents should be avoided with febrile dysentery, which may be exacerbated or
prolonged by them. Bismuth subsalicylate may reduce symptoms of vomiting and
diarrhea but should not be used to treat immunocompromised patients because of
the risk of bismuth encephalopathy.
use of antibiotics is appropriate in selected instances of acute diarrhea and
may reduce its severity and duration (Fig. 2). Many physicians treat moderately
to severely ill patients with febrile dysentery empirically without diagnostic
evaluation using a quinolone, such as ciprofloxacin (500 mg bid for 3 to 5 d).
Empirical treatment can also be considered for suspected giardiasis with
metronidazole (250 mg qid for 7 d). Selection of antibiotics and dosage
regimens are otherwise dictated by specific pathogens and conditions found.
Antibiotic coverage is indicated whether or not a causative organism is
discovered in patients who are immunocompromised, have mechanical heart valves
or recent vascular grafts, or are elderly. Antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated
for certain patients traveling to high-risk countries in whom the likelihood or
seriousness of acquired diarrhea would be especially high, including those with
immunocompromise, inflammatory bowel disease, or gastric achlorhydria. Use of
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or ciprofloxacin may reduce bacterial diarrhea in
such travelers by 90%.
lasting >4 weeks warrants evaluation to exclude serious underlying
pathology. In contrast to acute diarrhea, most of the many causes of chronic
diarrhea are noninfectious. The classification of chronic diarrhea by
pathophysiologic mechanism facilitates a rational approach to management (Table
TABLE 3 Major Causes
of Chronic Diarrhea According to Predominant Pathophysiologic Mechanism
Secretory causes
Exogenous stimulant laxatives
Chronic ethanol ingestion
Other drugs and toxins
Endogenous laxatives (dihydroxy bile acids)
Idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Certain bacterial infections
Bowel resection, disease, or fistula (↓ absorption)
Partial bowel obstruction or fecal impaction
Hormone-producing tumors (carcinoid, VIPoma, medullary cancer of thyroid, mastocytosis, gastrinoma, colorectal villous adenoma)
Addison's disease
Congenital electrolyte absorption defects
Osmotic causes
Osmotic laxatives (Mg2+, PO43-, SO42-)
Lactase and other disaccharide deficiencies
Nonabsorbable carbohydrates (sorbitol, lactulose, polyethylene glycol)
Steatorrheal causes
Intraluminal maldigestion (pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, bacterial overgrowth, liver disease)
Mucosal malabsorption (celiac sprue, Whipple's disease, infections, abetalipoproteinemia, ischemia)
Postmucosal obstruction (1° or 2° lymphatic obstruction)
Inflammatory causes
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's chronic ulcerative colitis)
Microscopic and collagenous colitis
Immune-related mucosal disease (1° or 2° immunodeficiencies, food allergy, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, graft-vs-host disease)
Infections (invasive bacteria, viruses, and parasites)
Radiation injury
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Dysmotile causes
Visceral neuromyopathies
Drugs (prokinetic agents)
Factitial causes
Exogenous stimulant laxatives
Chronic ethanol ingestion
Other drugs and toxins
Endogenous laxatives (dihydroxy bile acids)
Idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Certain bacterial infections
Bowel resection, disease, or fistula (↓ absorption)
Partial bowel obstruction or fecal impaction
Hormone-producing tumors (carcinoid, VIPoma, medullary cancer of thyroid, mastocytosis, gastrinoma, colorectal villous adenoma)
Addison's disease
Congenital electrolyte absorption defects
Osmotic causes
Osmotic laxatives (Mg2+, PO43-, SO42-)
Lactase and other disaccharide deficiencies
Nonabsorbable carbohydrates (sorbitol, lactulose, polyethylene glycol)
Steatorrheal causes
Intraluminal maldigestion (pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, bacterial overgrowth, liver disease)
Mucosal malabsorption (celiac sprue, Whipple's disease, infections, abetalipoproteinemia, ischemia)
Postmucosal obstruction (1° or 2° lymphatic obstruction)
Inflammatory causes
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's chronic ulcerative colitis)
Microscopic and collagenous colitis
Immune-related mucosal disease (1° or 2° immunodeficiencies, food allergy, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, graft-vs-host disease)
Infections (invasive bacteria, viruses, and parasites)
Radiation injury
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Dysmotile causes
Visceral neuromyopathies
Drugs (prokinetic agents)
Factitial causes
diarrheas are due to derangements in fluid and electrolyte transport across the
enterocolic mucosa. They are characterized clinically by watery, large-volume
fecal outputs that are typically painless and persist with fasting. Because
there is no malabsorbed solute, stool osmolality is accounted for by normal
endogenous electrolytes with no fecal osmotic gap.
effects from regular ingestion of drugs and toxins are the most common
secretory causes of chronic diarrhea. Hundreds of prescription and
over-the-counter medications (see “Other Causes of Acute Diarrhea,” above) may
produce unwanted diarrhea. Surreptitious or habitual use of stimulant laxatives
[e.g., senna, cascara, bisacodyl, ricinoleic acid (castor oil)] must also be
considered. Chronic ethanol consumption may cause a secretory-type diarrhea due
to enterocyte injury with impaired sodium and water absorption as well as to
rapid transit and other alterations. Inadvertent
ingestion of certain environmental toxins (e.g., arsenic) may lead to chronic
rather than acute forms of diarrhea. Certain bacterial infections may
occasionally persist and be associated with a secretory-type diarrhea.
Although uncommon,
the classic examples of secretory diarrhea are those mediated by hormones. Metastatic gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors or, rarely, primary bronchial carcinoids may produce watery diarrhea
alone or as part of the carcinoid syndrome that comprises episodic flushing,
wheezing, dyspnea, and right-sided valvular heart disease. Diarrhea is due to
the release into the circulation of potent intestinal secretagogues including
serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, and various kinins. Pellagra-like skin
lesions may rarely occur as the result of serotonin overproduction with niacin
depletion. Gastrinoma, one of the most common
neuroendocrine tumors, most typically presents with refractory peptic ulcers,
but diarrhea occurs in up to one-third of cases and may be the only clinical
manifestation in 10%. While various secretagogues released with gastrin may
play a role, the diarrhea most often results from fat maldigestion owing to
pancreatic enzyme inactivation by low intraduodenal pH. The watery diarrhea
hypokalemia achlorhydria syndrome, also called pancreatic
cholera, is due to a non-β cell pancreatic adenoma, referred to as a VIPoma, that secretes vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
and a host of other peptide hormones including pancreatic polypeptide,
secretin, gastrin, gastrin-inhibitory polypeptide, neurotensin, calcitonin, and
prostaglandins. The secretory diarrhea is often massive with stool volumes
>3 L/d; daily volumes as high as 20 L have been reported. Life-threatening
dehydration; neuromuscular dysfunction from associated hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, or hypercalcemia; flushing; and hyperglycemia may accompany a
VIPoma. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid may present
with watery diarrhea caused by calcitonin, other secretory peptides, or
prostaglandins. This tumor occurs sporadically or, in 25 to 50% of cases, as a
feature of multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa with pheochromocytomas and
hyperparathyroidism. Prominent diarrhea is often associated with metastatic
disease and poor prognosis. Systemic mastocytosis,
which may be associated with the skin lesion urticaria pigmentosa, may cause
diarrhea that is either secretory and mediated by histamine or inflammatory and
due to intestinal filtration by mast cells. Large colorectal
villous adenomas may rarely be associated with a secretory diarrhea that
may cause hypokalemia, can be inhibited by NSAIDs, and is apparently mediated
by prostaglandins.
these defects cause watery diarrhea from birth and include defective Cl-/HCO3-
exchange (congenital chloridorrhea) with alkalosis and
defective Na+/H+ exchange with acidosis. Some hormone
deficiencies may be associated with watery diarrhea, such as occurs with
adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison's disease) that may be accompanied by
Osmotic Causes
diarrhea occurs when ingested, poorly absorbable, osmotically active solutes
draw enough fluid lumenward to exceed the resorptive capacity of the colon.
Fecal water output increases in proportion to such a solute load. Osmotic
diarrhea characteristically ceases with fasting or with discontinued oral
intake of the offending agent.
of magnesium-containing antacids, health supplements, or laxatives may induce
osmotic diarrhea typified by a stool osmotic gap: 2([Na] + [K]) <290
mosm/kg. Anionic laxatives containing sulfates or phosphates produce osmotic
diarrhea without an osmotic gap, as sodium accompanies the anionic solutes;
direct measurement of stool sulfates and phosphates may be necessary to confirm
the cause of diarrhea.
malabsorption due to acquired or congenital defects in brush-border
disaccharidases and other enzymes leads to osmotic diarrhea with a low pH. One
of the most common causes of chronic diarrhea in adults is lactase
deficiency, which affects three-fourths of non-Caucasians worldwide and
5 to 30% of persons in the United States; most learn to avoid milk products
without an intervention. Some sugars, such as sorbitol, are universally
malabsorbed, and diarrhea ensues with ingestion of ample medications, gum, or
candies sweetened with these nonabsorbable sugars. Lactulose, used to acidify
stools in patients with hepatic failure, also causes diarrhea on this basis.
Steatorrheal Causes
malabsorption may lead to greasy, foul-smelling, difficult-to-flush diarrhea
often associated with weight loss and nutritional deficiencies due to
concomitant malabsorption of amino acids and vitamins. Increased fecal output
is caused by the osmotic effects of fatty acids, especially after bacterial
hydroxylation, and, to a lesser extent, by the burden of neutral fat.
Quantitatively, steatorrhea is defined as stool fat exceeding the normal 7 g/d;
daily fecal fat averages 15 to 25 g with small intestinal diseases and is often
>40 g with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Intraluminal maldigestion,
mucosal malabsorption, or lymphatic obstruction may produce steatorrhea.
condition most commonly results from pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, which
occurs when >90% of pancreatic secretory function is lost. Chronic pancreatitis, usually a sequela of ethanol abuse,
most frequently causes pancreatic insufficiency. Other causes include cystic fibrosis, pancreatic duct obstruction,
and rarely, somatostatinoma. Bacterial overgrowth in
the small intestine may deconjugate bile acids and alter micelle formation that
impairs fat digestion; it occurs with stasis from a blind-loop, small bowel
diverticulum or dysmotility and is especially likely in the elderly. Finally,
cirrhosis or biliary obstruction may lead to mild steatorrhea due to deficient
intraluminal bile acid concentration.
malabsorption occurs from a variety of enteropathies but most prototypically
and perhaps most commonly from celiac sprue. This
gluten-sensitive enteropathy characterized by villous atrophy and crypt
hyperplasia in the proximal small bowel often presents with fatty diarrhea
associated with multiple nutritional deficiencies of varying severity and
affects all ages. Tropical sprue may produce a similar
histologic and clinical syndrome but occurs in residents of or travelers to
tropical climates; its often abrupt onset and response to antibiotics suggest
an infectious etiology. Whipple's disease, due to the
actinomycete Treponema whippleii and histiocytic
infiltration of the small bowel mucosa, is a less common cause of steatorrhea
that most typically occurs in young or middle-aged men; it is frequently
associated with arthralgias, fever, lymphadenopathy, and extreme fatigue and
may affect the central nervous system and endocardium. A similar clinical and
histologic picture results from Mycobacterium
avium-intracellulare infection in patients with AIDS. Abetalipoproteinemia
is a rare defect of chylomicron formation and fat malabsorption in children
associated with acanthocytic erythrocytes, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa.
Several other conditions may cause mucosal malabsorption including infections,
especially with protozoa such as Giardia, numerous
medications (e.g., colchicine, cholestyramine, neomycin), and chronic ischemia.
pathophysiology of this condition, which is due to the rare congenital
intestinal lymphangiectasia or to acquired lymphatic
obstruction secondary to trauma, tumor, or infection, leads to the
unique constellation of fat malabsorption with enteric losses of protein (often
causing edema) and lymphocytes (with resultant lymphocytopenia) that enter the
portal circulation directly. Carbohydrate and amino acid absorption are
Inflammatory Causes
diarrheas are generally accompanied by pain, fever, bleeding, or other
manifestations of inflammation. The mechanism of diarrhea may not only be
exudation but, depending on lesion site, may include fat malabsorption,
disrupted fluid/electrolyte absorption, and hypersecretion or hypermotility
from release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. The unifying
feature on stool analysis is the presence of leukocytes or leukocyte-derived
proteins such as calprotectin. With severe inflammation, exudative protein loss
can lead to anasarca (generalized edema). Any middle-aged or older person with
chronic inflammatory-type diarrhea, especially with blood, should be carefully
evaluated to exclude a colorectal or large enteric tumor.
illnesses in this category, which include Crohn's disease
and chronic ulcerative colitis, are among the most
common organic causes of chronic diarrhea in adults and range in severity from
mild to fulminant and life-threatening. They may be associated with uveitis,
polyarthralgias, cholestatic liver disease (primary sclerosing cholangitis),
and various skin lesions (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum). Microscopic colitis, including collagenous
colitis, is an increasingly recognized cause of chronic watery diarrhea;
biopsy of a normal appearing colorectum is required for histologic diagnosis.
may lead to prolonged infectious diarrhea. With common, variable hypogammaglobulinemia, diarrhea is particularly prevalent
and often the result of giardiasis.
infiltration of the mucosa, muscularis, or serosa at any level of the
gastrointestinal tract may cause diarrhea, pain, vomiting, or ascites. Affected
patients often have an atopic history, Charcot-Leyden crystals due to extruded
eosinophil contents may be seen on microscopic inspection of stool, and
peripheral eosinophilia is present in 50 to 75% of patients. While
hypersensitivity to certain foods occurs in adults, true food allergy causing
chronic diarrhea is rare.
inflammatory diarrhea may be caused by radiation
enterocolitis, chronic graft-versus-host disease,
Behçet's syndrome, and Cronkite-Canada
syndrome, among others.
Dysmotile Causes
transit may accompany many diarrheas as a secondary or contributing phenomenon,
but primary dysmotility is an unusual etiology of true diarrhea. Stool features
often suggest a secretory diarrhea, but mild steatorrhea of up to 14 g of fat
per day can be produced by maldigestion from rapid transit alone. Hyperthyroidism, carcinoid syndrome,
and certain drugs (e.g., prostaglandins, prokinetic agents) may produce
hypermotility with resultant diarrhea. Primary visceral neuromyopathies or
idiopathic acquired intestinal pseudo-obstruction may lead to stasis with
secondary bacterial overgrowth causing diarrhea. Diabetic
diarrhea, often accompanied by peripheral and generalized autonomic
neuropathies, may occur in part because of intestinal dysmotility.
exceedingly common irritable bowel syndrome (10% point
prevalence, 1 to 2% per year incidence) is characterized by disturbed
intestinal and colonic motor and sensory responses to various stimuli. Symptoms
of stool frequency typically cease at night, alternate with periods of
constipation, are accompanied by abdominal pain relieved with defecation, and
rarely result in weight loss or true diarrhea.
Factitial Causes
diarrhea accounts for up to 15% of unexplained diarrheas referred to tertiary
care centers. Either as a form of Munchausen syndrome
(deception or self-injury for secondary gain) or bulimia,
some patients covertly self-administer laxatives alone or in combination with
other medications (e.g., diuretics) or surreptitously add water or urine to
stool sent for analysis. Such patients are typically women, often with
histories of psychiatric illness, and disproportionately from careers in health
care. Hypotension and hypokalemia are common co-presenting features. Such
patients often deny this possibility when confronted, but they do benefit from
psychiatric counseling when they acknowledge their behavior.
laboratory tools available to evaluate the very common problem of chronic
diarrhea are extensive, and many are costly and invasive. As such, the
diagnostic evaluation must be rationally directed by a careful history and
physical examination, and simple triage tests are often warranted before
complex investigations are launched (Fig. 3). The history, physical
examination, and routine blood studies should attempt to characterize the
mechanism of diarrhea, identify diagnostically helpful associations, and assess
the patient's fluid/electrolyte and nutritional status. Patients should be
questioned about the onset, duration, pattern, aggravating (especially diet)
and relieving factors, and stool characteristics of their diarrhea. The
presence or absence of fecal incontinence, fever, weight loss, pain, certain
exposures (travel, medications, contacts with diarrhea), and common
extraintestinal manifestations (skin changes, arthralgias, oral aphtha) should
be noted. Physical findings may offer clues such as a thyroid mass, wheezing,
heart murmurs, edema, hepatomegaly, abdominal masses, lymphadenopathy,
mucocutaneous abnormalities, perianal fistulae, or anal sphincter laxity.
Peripheral blood counts may reveal leukocytosis that suggests inflammation;
anemia that reflects blood loss or nutritional deficiencies; or eosinophilia
that may occur with parasitoses, neoplasia, collagen-vascular disease, allergy,
or eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Blood chemistries may demonstrate electrolyte,
hepatic, or other metabolic disturbances.
A therapeutic
trial is often appropriate, definitive, and highly cost effective when a
specific diagnosis is suggested on the initial physician encounter. For
example, chronic watery diarrhea, which ceases with fasting in an otherwise
healthy young adult, may justify a trial of a lactose-restricted diet; bloating
and diarrhea persisting since a mountain backpacking trip may warrant a trial
of metronidazole for likely giardiasis; and postprandial diarrhea persisting
since an ileal resection might be due to bile acid malabsorption and be treated
with cholestyramine before further evaluation. Persistent symptoms require
additional investigation.
3 Algorithm for the management of chronic diarrhea.*
Dysmotility presents variable stool profile.
diagnoses may be suggested on the initial encounter, e.g., idiopathic
inflammatory bowel disease; however, additional focused evaluations may be
necessary to confirm the diagnosis and characterize the severity or extent of
disease so that treatment can be best guided. Patients suspected of having
irritable bowel syndrome should be initially evaluated with proctosigmoidoscopy
and mucosal biopsies; those with normal findings might be reassured and, as
indicated, treated empirically with antispasmodics, antidiarrheals, bulk
agents, anxiolytics, or antidepressants. Any patient who presents with chronic
diarrhea and hematochezia should be evaluated with stool microbiologic studies
and colonoscopy.
In an
estimated two-thirds of cases, the cause for chronic diarrhea remains unclear
after the initial encounter, and further testing is required. Quantitative
stool collection and analyses can yield important objective data that may
establish a diagnosis or characterize the type of diarrhea as a triage for
focused additional studies (Fig. 3). If stool weight is >200 g/d, additional
stool analyses should be performed that might include electrolyte
concentration, pH, occult blood testing, leukocyte inspection (or leukocyte
protein assay), fat quantitation, and laxative screens.
For secretory
diarrheas (watery, normal osmotic gap), possible medication-related side
effects or surreptitious laxative use should be reconsidered. Microbiologic
studies should be done including fecal bacterial cultures (including media for Aeromonas and Pleisiomonas),
inspection for ova and parasites, and Giardia antigen
assay (the most sensitive test for giardiasis). Small bowel bacterial
overgrowth can be excluded by intestinal aspirates with quantitative cultures
or with glucose or xylose breath tests involving measurement of breath hydrogen
or other metabolite (e.g., 14CO2). However,
interpretation of these breath tests may be confounded by disturbances of
intestinal transit. When suggested by history or other findings, screens for
peptide hormones should be pursued (e.g., serum gastrin, VIP, calcitonin, and
thyroid hormone/thyroid stimulating hormone, or urinary 5-hydroxyindolacetic
acid and histamine). Upper endoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies and
small-bowel barium x-rays are helpful to rule out structural or occult
inflammatory disease.
evaluation of osmotic diarrhea should include tests for lactose intolerance and
magnesium ingestion, the two most common causes. Low fecal pH suggests
carbohydrate malabsorption; lactose malabsorption can be confirmed by lactose
breath testing or by a therapeutic trial with lactose exclusion and observation
of the effect of lactose challenge (e.g., a quart of milk). Lactase
determination on small-bowel biopsy is generally not available. If fecal Mg2+
or laxative levels are elevated, then inadvertent or surreptitious ingestion
should be considered and psychiatric help should be sought.
For those
with proven fatty diarrhea, endoscopy with small-bowel biopsy (including
aspiration for Giardia and quantitative cultures)
should be performed; if this procedure is unrevealing, a small-bowel radiograph
is often an appropriate next step. If small-bowel studies are negative or if
pancreatic disease is suspected, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency should be
excluded with direct tests, such as the secretin-cholecystokinin stimulation
test, or by indirect tests, such as assay of fecal chymotrypsin activity or a
bentiromide test.
inflammatory-type diarrheas should be suspected by the presence of blood or
leukocytes in the stool. Such findings warrant stool cultures, inspection for
ova and parasites, C. difficile toxin assay,
colonoscopy with biopsies, and, if indicated, small-bowel oral contrast
of chronic diarrhea depends on the specific etiology and may be curative,
suppressive, or empirical. If the cause can be eradicated, treatment is
curative as with resection of a colorectal cancer, antibiotic administration
for Whipple's disease, or discontinuation of an offending drug. For many
chronic conditions, diarrhea can be controlled by suppression of the underlying
mechanism. Examples include elimination of dietary lactose for lactase
deficiency or gluten for celiac sprue, use of glucocorticoids or other
anti-inflammatory agents for idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases, adsorptive
agents such as cholestyramine for ileal bile acid malabsorption, proton pump
inhibitors such as omeprazole for the gastric hypersecretion of gastrinomas,
somatostatin analogues such as octreotide for malignant carcinoid, prostaglandin
inhibitors such as indomethacin for medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and
pancreatic enzyme replacement for pancreatic insufficiency. When the specific
cause or mechanism of chronic diarrhea evades diagnosis, empirical therapy may
be beneficial. Mild opiates such as diphenoxylate or loperamide are often
helpful in mild or moderate watery diarrhea. For those with more severe
diarrhea, codeine or tincture of opium may be beneficial. Such antimotility
agents should be avoided with inflammatory bowel disease, as toxic megacolon
may be precipitated. Clonidine, an α2-adrenergic agonist, may allow
control of diabetic diarrhea. For all patients with chronic diarrhea, fluid and
electrolyte repletion is an important component of management (see “Acute
Diarrhea,” above). Replacement of fat-soluble vitamins may also be necessary in
patients with chronic steatorrhea.
is a common complaint in clinical practice and usually refers to persistent,
difficult, infrequent, or seemingly incomplete defecation. Because of the wide
range of normal bowel habits, constipation is difficult to define precisely.
Most persons have at least three bowel movements per week; however, stool
frequency alone is not a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis of constipation
because many constipated patients describe a normal frequency of defecation but
subjective complaints of excessive straining, hard stools, lower abdominal
fullness, and a sense of incomplete evacuation. The individual patient's
symptoms must be analyzed in detail to ascertain what is meant by
“constipation” or “difficulty” with defecation.
Stool form
and consistency are well correlated with the time elapsed from the preceding
defecation. Hard, pellety stools occur with slow transit, while loose watery
stools are associated with rapid transit. Small, pellety stools are more
difficult to expel than large ones.
TABLE 4 Causes of Constipation in Adults
Types of Constipation and Causes
Recent onset
Colonic obstruction
Neoplasm: stricture: ischemic, diverticular, inflammatory
Anal sphincter spasm
Anal fissure, painful hemorrhoids
Irritable bowel syndrome
Constipation–predominant, alternating
Ca2+ blockers, antidepressants
Colonic pseudo-obstruction
Slow transit constipation, megacolon (rare Hirschsprung's, Chagas)
Disorders of rectal evacuation
Pelvic floor dysfunction, anismus, descending perineum syndrome,
rectal mucosal prolapse, rectocele
Hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, pregnancy
Psychiatric disorders
Depression, eating disorders, drugs
Neurologic disease
Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury
Generalized muscle disease
Progressive systemic sclerosis
perception of hard stools or excessive straining is more difficult to assess
objectively, and the need for enemas or digital disimpaction is a clinically
useful way to corroborate the patient's perceptions of difficult defecation.
Psychosocial factors may also be
important. A person whose parents attached great importance to daily defecation
will become greatly concerned when he or she misses a daily bowel movement;
some children withhold stool to gain attention; and some adults are simply too
busy or too embarrassed to interrupt their work when the call to have a bowel
movement is sensed.
chronic constipation generally results from inadequate fiber intake or from
disordered colonic transit or anorectal function as a result of a
neurogastroenterologic disturbance, certain drugs, or in association with a large
number of systemic diseases that affect the gastroinestinal tract (Table 4).
Constipation of recent onset may be a symptom of significant organic disease
such as tumor or stricture. In idiopathic constipation,
a subset of patients exhibit delayed emptying of the ascending and transverse
colon with prolongation of transit (often in the proximal colon) and a reduced
frequency of propulsive colonic contractions (HAPCs). Outlet
obstruction to defecation (also called evacuation
disorders) may cause delayed colonic transit, which is usually corrected
by biofeedback retraining of the disordered defecation. Constipation of any
cause may be exacerbated by chronic illnesses that lead to physical or mental
impairment and result in inactivity or physical immobility.
A careful
history should explore the patient's symptoms and confirm whether he or she is
indeed constipated based on frequency (e.g., fewer than three bowel movements
per week), consistency (lumpy/hard), excessive straining, prolonged defecation
time, or need to support the perineum or digitate the anorectum. In the vast
majority of cases (probably >90%), there is no underlying cause (e.g.,
cancer, depression, or hypothyroidism), and constipation responds to ample
hydration, exercise, and supplementation of dietary fiber (15 to 25 g/d). A
good diet and medication history and attention to psychosocial issues are key.
Physical examination and, particularly, a rectal examination should exclude
most of the important diseases that present with constipation and possibly
indicate features suggesting an evacuation disorder (e.g., high anal sphincter
There is broad consensus on
the selection of patients for further investigation. The presence of weight
loss, rectal bleeding, or anemia with constipation mandates either
sigmoidoscopy plus barium enema or colonoscopy alone, particularly in patients
>40 years, to exclude structural diseases such as cancer or strictures.
Colonoscopy alone is most cost effective in this setting since it provides an
opportunity to biopsy mucosal lesions, perform polypectomy, or dilate
strictures. Barium enema has advantages over colonoscopy in the patient with
isolated constipation, since it is less costly and identifies colonic
dilatation and all significant mucosal lesions or strictures that are likely to
present with constipation. Melanosis coli, or pigmentation of the colon mucosa,
indicates the use of anthraquinone laxatives such as cascara or senna; however,
this is usually apparent from a careful history. An unexpected disorder such as
megacolon or cathartic colon may also be detected by colonic radiographs.
Measurement of serum calcium and thyroid stimulating hormone levels will
identify rare patients with metabolic disorders.
Algorithm for the management of constipation.
with more troublesome constipation may not respond to fiber alone and may be
helped by a bowel training regimen: taking an osmotic laxative and evacuating
with enema or glycerine suppository as needed. After breakfast, a
distraction-free 15 to 20 min on the toilet without straining is encouraged.
Excessive straining may lead to development of hemorrhoids, and, if there is
weakness of the pelvic floor or injury to the pudendal nerve, may result in
obstructed defecation from descending perineum syndrome several years later.
Those few who do not benefit from the simple measures delineated above or
require long-term treatment with stimulant laxatives with the attendant risk of
developing laxative abuse syndrome are assumed to have severe or intractable
constipation and should have further investigation (Fig. 4).
A small
minority (probably <5%) of all patients with constipation have cases that
are considered severe or “intractable”; these are the patients most likely to
be seen by gastroenterologists or in referral centers. Further observation of
the patient may occasionally reveal a previously unrecognized cause, such as an
evacuation disorder, laxative abuse, malingering, or psychiatric disorder. In
these patients, recent studies suggest that evaluations of the physiologic
function of the colon and pelvic floor and of psychological status aid in the
rational choice of treatment. Even among these highly selected patients with
severe constipation, a cause can be identified in only about 30% (see below).
Measurement of Colonic Transit
marker transit tests are easy, repeatable, generally safe, inexpensive,
reliable, and highly applicable in evaluating constipated patients in clinical
practice. There are several validated methods that are very simple. For
example, radiopaque markers are ingested, and an abdominal flat film taken 5 d
later should indicate passage of 80% of the markers out of the colon. This test
does not provide useful information about the transit profile of the stomach
and small bowel, and avoidance of laxatives or enemas during the testing period
is essential.
with a delayed-release capsule containing radiolabeled particles has been used
to noninvasively characterize normal, accelerated, or delayed colonic function
over 24 to 48 h with low radiation exposure. This approach simultaneously
assesses gastric, small-bowel, and colonic transit. The disadvantages are the
greater cost and the need for specific materials prepared in a nuclear medicine
Anorectal and Pelvic Floor
floor dysfunction is suggested by the inability to evacuate the rectum, a
feeling of persistent rectal fullness, rectal pain, the need to extract stool from
the rectum digitally, application of pressure on the posterior wall of the
vagina, support of the perineum during straining, and excessive straining.
These significant symptoms should be contrasted with the sense of incomplete
rectal evacuation, which is common in irritable bowel syndrome.
with clinically suspected obstruction of defecation should also be evaluated by
a psychologist to identify eating disorders or a “need to control,” to provide
stress management or relaxation training, and to identify depression.
A simple
clinical test in the office to document a nonrelaxing puborectalis muscle is to
have the patient strain to expel the index finger during a digital rectal
examination. Motion of the puborectalis posteriorly during straining indicates
proper coordination of the pelvic floor muscles.
of perineal descent is relatively easy to gauge clinically by placing the
patient in the left decubitus position and watching the perineum to assess
either paucity or lack of descent (<1.5 cm, a sign of pelvic floor
dysfunction) or perineal ballooning during straining relative to bony landmarks
(>4 cm, suggesting excessive perineal descent).
A useful
overall test of evacuation is the balloon expulsion test. A urinary catheter is
placed in the rectum, the balloon is inflated to 50 mL with water, and a
determination is made about whether the patient can expel it while seated on a
toilet or in the left lateral decubitus position. In the lateral position, the
weight needed to facilitate expulsion of the balloon (normal, 0 to 200 g) is
manometry is not often contributory in the evaluation of patients presenting
with severe constipation, except when an excessively high resting or squeeze
anal sphincter tone suggests anismus (anal sphincter spasm). This test also
identifies rare syndromes, such as adult Hirschsprung's disease, by the absence
of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex or the presence of occult incontinence.
(a dynamic barium enema including lateral views obtained during barium
expulsion) reveals “soft abnormalities” in many patients; the most relevant
findings are the measured changes in rectoanal angle, anatomic defects of the
rectum, and enteroceles or rectoceles. In a very small proportion of patients, significant
anatomic defects associated with intractable constipation respond best to
surgical treatment. These defects include severe intussusception with complete
outlet obstruction due to funnel-shaped plugging at the anal canal or an
extremely large rectocele that is preferentially filled during attempts at
defecation instead of expulsion of the barium through the anus. In summary,
defecography requires an interested and experienced radiologist, and
abnormalities are not pathognomonic for pelvic floor dysfunction. More
commonly, outlet obstruction results from a nonrelaxing puborectalis muscle,
which impedes rectal emptying, rather than from defects identified by
Dynamic imaging studies such
as proctography during defecation or scintigraphic expulsion of artificial
stool help measure perineal descent and the rectoanal angle during rest,
squeezing, and straining, and scintigraphic expulsion quantitates the amount of
“artificial stool” emptied. Failure of the rectoanal angle to increase significantly
(~15°) during straining confirms pelvic floor dysfunction.
testing (electromyography) is more helpful in the evaluation of patients with
incontinence than of those with symptoms suggesting obstructed defecation. The
absence of neurologic signs in the lower extremities suggests that any
documented denervation of the puborectalis results from pelvic (e.g.,
obstetric) injury or from stretching of the pudendal nerve by chronic,
long-standing straining.
identifies sphincter or rectal wall defects and may help select patients for
surgical correction. Spinal-evoked responses during electrical rectal
stimulation or stimulation of external anal sphincter contraction by applying
magnetic stimulation over the lumbosacral cord identify patients with limited
sacral neuropathies with sufficient residual nerve conduction to attempt
biofeedback training.
In summary,
a balloon expulsion test is an important screening test for anorectal
dysfunction. If positive, an anatomic evaluation of the rectum or anal
sphincters and an assessment of pelvic floor relaxation are the tools for
evaluating patients in whom obstructed defecation is suspected.
After the
cause of constipation is characterized, a treatment decision can be made. Slow
transit constipation requires aggressive medical or surgical treatment; anismus
or pelvic floor dysfunction usually responds to biofeedback management (Fig.
4). However, only about 30% of patients with severe constipation are found to
have such a physiologic disorder.
Patients with slow transit
constipation are treated with bulk, osmotic, and stimulant laxatives, including
fiber, psyllium, milk of magnesia, lactulose, polyethylene glycol (colonic
lavage solution), and bisacodyl. If a 2- to 3-month trial of medical therapy
fails and patients continue to have documented slow transit constipation
unassociated with obstructed defecation, colectomy with ileorectostomy is
indicated. The decision to resort to surgery is facilitated in the presence of
megacolon and megarectum. The complications after surgery include small-bowel
obstruction (11%) and fecal soiling, particularly at night during the first
postoperative year.
who have a combined disorder should pursue pelvic floor retraining (biofeedback
and muscle relaxation), psychological counseling, and dietetic advice first,
followed by colectomy and ileorectosomy if colonic transit studies do not
normalize with biofeedback alone. In patients with pelvic floor dysfunction
alone, biofeedback training has a 70 to 80% success rate, measured by the
acquisition of comfortable stool habits. Attempts to manage pelvic floor
dysfunction with operations (internal anal sphincter or puborectalis muscle
division) have achieved only mediocre success and have been largely abandoned. Diarrhea
and constipation are exceedingly common and together exact an enormous toll in
terms of morbidity, loss of work productivity, and consumption of medical
resources. Worldwide, more than 1 billion people suffer one or more episodes of
acute diarrhea each year. Among the 100 million persons affected annually by
acute diarrhea in the United States, nearly half must restrict activities, 10%
consult physicians, 250,000 require hospitalization, and roughly 3000 die
(primarily the elderly). The annual economic burden to society is estimated at
>$20 billion. Because of poor sanitation and more limited access to health
care, acute infectious diarrhea remains one of the most common causes of
mortality in developing countries, particularly among children, accounting for
5 to 8 million deaths per year. Population statistics on chronic diarrhea and
constipation are more uncertain, perhaps due to variable definitions and
reporting, but the frequency of these conditions is also high. Based on United
States population surveys, prevalence rates for chronic diarrhea range from 2
to 7% and for chronic constipation from 3 to 17%. Diarrhea and constipation are
among the most common patient complaints faced by internists and primary care
physicians, and they account for nearly 50% of referrals to
Although diarrhea and
constipation may present as mere nuisance symptoms at one extreme, they can be
severe or life-threatening at the other. Even mild symptoms may signal a
serious underlying gastrointestinal lesion, such as colorectal cancer, or
systemic disorder, such as thyroid disease. Given the heterogeneous causes and
potential severity of these common complaints, it is imperative for clinicians
to appreciate the pathophysiology, etiologic classification, diagnostic
strategies, and therapeutic principles of diarrhea and constipation so that
rational and cost-effective care can be delivered.
The human small intestine
and colon perform important functions including the secretion and absorption of
water and electrolytes, the storage and subsequent transport of intraluminal
contents aborally, and the salvage of some nutrients after bacterial metabolism
of carbohydrate that are not absorbed in the small intestine. The main motor
functions are summarized in Table 1. Alterations in fluid and electrolyte
handling contribute significantly to diarrhea. Alterations in motor and sensory
functions of the human colon result in highly prevalent syndromes such as
irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, and chronic constipation.
TABLE 1 Normal
Gastrointestinal Motility:
Functions at
Different Anatomic Levels
Stomach and small bowel
Synchronized MMCs in fasting Accommodation, trituration, mixing, transit Stomach, ~3 h Small bowel, ~3 h Ileal reservoir empties boluses |
Colon: Irregular mixing, absorption, transit
Ascending, transverse: reservoirs Descending: conduit Sigmoid/rectum: volitional reservoir |
Note: MMC, migrating motor complex.
The small
intestine and colon have intrinsic and extrinsic innervation. The intrinsic innervation, also called the enteric nervous
system, comprises myenteric, submucosal, and mucosal neuronal layers. The
function of these layers is modulated by interneurons through the actions of
neurotransmitter amines or peptides, including acetylcholine, opioids,
norepinephrine, serotonin, ATP, and nitric oxide. The myenteric plexus
regulates smooth-muscle function, and the submucosal plexus affects secretion
and absorption.
The extrinsic innervations of the small intestine and colon are
part of the autonomic nervous system and also modulate both motor and secretory
functions. The parasympathetic nerve supply conveys both visceral sensory as
well as excitatory pathways to the motor components of the colon.
Parasympathetic fibers via the vagus nerve reach the small intestine and
proximal colon along the branches of the superior mesenteric artery. The distal
colon is supplied by sacral parasympathetic nerves (S2–4) via the
pelvic plexus; these fibers course through the wall of the colon as ascending
intracolonic fibers as far as, and in some instances including, the proximal
colon. The chief excitatory neurotransmitters controlling motor function are
acetylcholine and the tachykinins, such as substance P. The sympathetic nerve
supply modulates motor functions and reaches the small intestine and colon
alongside the arterial arcades of the superior and inferior mesenteric vessels.
Sympathetic input to the gut is generally excitatory to sphincters and inhibitory
to nonsphincteric muscle. Visceral afferents convey sensation from the gut to
the central nervous system; initially, they course along sympathetic fibers,
but as they approach the spinal cord they separate, have cell bodies in the
dorsal root ganglion, and enter the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Afferent
signals are conveyed to the brain along the lateral spinothalamic tract and the
nociceptive dorsal column pathway and are then perceived. Other afferent fibers
synapse in the prevertebral ganglia and reflexly modulate intestinal motility.
On an
average day, 9 L of fluid enters the gastrointestinal tract; approximately 1 L
of residual fluid reaches the colon; the stool excretion of fluid constitutes
about 0.2 L/d. The colon has a large capacitance and functional reserve and may
recover up to four times its usual volume of 0.8 L/d, provided the rate of flow
permits reabsorption to occur. Thus, the colon can partially compensate for
intestinal absorptive or secretory disorders.
In the
colon, sodium absorption is predominantly electrogenic, and uptake takes place
at the apical membrane; it is compensated for by the export functions of the
basolateral sodium pump. A variety of neural and non-neural mediators regulate
colonic fluid and electrolyte balance, including cholinergic, adrenergic, and
serotonergic mediators. Angiotensin and aldosterone also influence colonic
absorption, reflecting the common embryologic development of the distal colonic
epithelium and the renal tubules.
fasting, the motility of the small intestine is characterized by a cyclical
event called the migrating motor complex (MMC), which serves to clear
nondigestible residue from the small intestine. This organized, propagated
series of contractions lasts on average 4 min, occurs every 60 to 90 min, and
usually involves the entire small intestine. After food ingestion, the small
intestine produces irregular, mixing contractions of relatively low amplitude,
except in the distal ileum where more powerful contractions occur
intermittently and empty the ileum by bolus transfers.
The distal
ileum acts as a reservoir, emptying intermittently by bolus movements. This
action allows time for salvage of fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients.
Segmentation by haustra compartmentalizes the colon and facilitates mixing,
retention of residue, and formation of solid stools. In health, the ascending
and transverse regions of colon function as reservoirs (average transit, 15 h),
and the descending colon acts as a conduit (average transit, 3 h). The colon is
efficient at conserving sodium and water, a function that is particularly
important in sodium-depleted patients in whom the small intestine alone is
unable to maintain sodium balance. Diarrhea or constipation may result from
alteration in the reservoir function of the proximal colon or the propulsive
function of the left colon. Constipation may also result from disturbances of
the rectal or sigmoid reservoir, typically as a result of dysfunction of the
pelvic floor or the coordination of defecation.
The small
intestinal MMC only rarely continues into the colon. However, short duration or
phasic contractions mix colonic contents, and high-amplitude propagated
contractions (HAPCs) are sometimes associated with mass movements through the
colon and occur approximately five times per day, usually on awakening in the
morning and postprandially. Increased frequency of HAPCs may result in diarrhea.
The predominant phasic contractions are irregular and nonpropagated and serve
as a “mixing” function.
tone refers to the background contractility upon which phasic contractile
activity (typically contractions lasting <15 s) is superimposed. It is an
important cofactor in the colon's capacitance (volume accommodation) and
After meal
ingestion, colonic phasic and tonic contractility increase for a period of
approximately 2 h. The initial phase (about 10 min) is mediated by the vagus
nerve in response to mechanical distention of the stomach. The subsequent
response of the colon requires caloric stimulation and is at least in part
mediated by hormones, e.g., gastrin and serotonin.
FIGURE 1 Mechanisms
involved in continence and defecation. Note the importance of pelvic floor and
anal sphincter functions. Continence requires: contraction of puborectalis,
maintenance of anorectal angle, normal rectal sensation, and contraction of
sphincter. Defecation requires: relaxation of puborectalis, straightening of
anorectal angle, and relaxation of sphincter.
contraction of the puborectalis muscle, which forms a sling around the
rectoanal junction, is important to maintain continence; during defecation,
sacral parasympathetic nerves relax this muscle, facilitating the straightening
of the rectoanal angle (Fig. 1). Distention of the rectum results in transient
relaxation of the internal anal sphincter via intrinsic and reflex sympathetic
innervation. As sigmoid and rectal contractions increase the pressure within
the rectum, the rectosigmoid angle opens by >15°. Voluntary relaxation of
the external anal sphincter (striated muscle innervated by the pudendal nerve)
permits the evacuation of feces; this evacuation process can be augmented by an
increase in intraabdominal pressure created by the Valsalva maneuver.
Diarrhea is
loosely defined as passage of abnormally liquid or unformed stools at an
increased frequency. For adults on a typical Western diet, stool weight >200
g/d can generally be considered diarrheal. Because of the fundamental
importance of duration to diagnostic considerations, diarrhea may be further
defined as acute if <2 weeks, persistent
if 2 to 4 weeks, and chronic if >4 weeks in
Two common
conditions, usually associated with the passage of stool totaling <200 g/d,
must be distinguished from diarrhea, as diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms
differ. Pseudodiarrhea, or the frequent passage of
small volumes of stool, is often associated with rectal urgency and accompanies
the irritable bowel syndrome or anorectal disorders such as proctitis. Fecal incontinence is the involuntary discharge of rectal
contents and is most often caused by neuromuscular disorders or structural
anorectal problems. Diarrhea and urgency, especially if severe, may aggravate
or cause incontinence. Pseudodiarrhea and fecal incontinence occur at
prevalence rates comparable to or higher than that of chronic diarrhea and
should always be considered in patients complaining of “diarrhea.” A careful
history and physical examination generally allow these conditions to be
discriminated from true diarrhea.
More than
90% of cases of acute diarrhea are caused by infectious agents; these cases are
often accompanied by vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. The remaining 10% or
so are caused by medications, toxic ingestions, ischemia, and other conditions.
Infectious Agents
Most infectious diarrheas
are acquired by fecal-oral transmission via direct personal contact or, more
commonly, via ingestion of food or water contaminated with pathogens from human
or animal feces. In the immunologically competent person, the resident fecal
microflora, containing >500 taxonomically distinct species, are rarely the
source of diarrhea and may actually play a role in suppressing the growth of
ingested pathogens. Acute infection or injury occurs when the ingested agent
overwhelms the host's mucosal immune and nonimmune (gastric acid, digestive
enzymes, mucus secretion, peristalsis, and suppressive resident flora)
defenses. Established clinical associations with specific enteropathogens may
offer diagnostic clues.
In the
United States, high risk groups are recognized:
Nearly 40% of tourists to endemic regions of Latin America, Africa, and Asia
develop so-called traveler's diarrhea, most commonly due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli as well as to Campylobacter,
Shigella, and Salmonella.
Visitors to Russia (especially St. Petersburg) may have increased risk of Giardia-associated diarrhea; visitors to Nepal may acquire Cyclospora. Campers, backpackers, and swimmers in wilderness
areas may become infected with Giardia.
of certain foods. Diarrhea closely following food consumption at a
picnic, banquet, or restaurant may suggest infection with Salmonella,
Campylobacter, or Shigella
from chicken; enterohemorrhagic E. coli (O157:H7) from
undercooked hamburger; Bacillus aureus from fried
rice; Staphylococcus aureus or Salmonella
from mayonnaise or creams; Salmonella from eggs; and Vibrio species, Salmonella, or
acute hepatitis A or B from seafood, especially if raw.
persons. Individuals at risk for diarrhea include those with
either primary immunodeficiency (e.g., IgA deficiency, common variable
hypogammaglobulinemia, chronic granulomatous disease) or the much more common
secondary immunodeficiency states (e.g., AIDS, senescence, pharmacologic
suppression). Common enteropathogens often cause a more severe and protracted
diarrheal illness, and, particularly in persons with AIDS, opportunistic
infections, such as by Mycobacterium species, certain
viruses (cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and herpes simplex), and protozoa (Cryptosporidium, Isospora belli,
Microsporidia, and Blastocystis hominis) may also play
a role. In patients with AIDS, agents transmitted venereally per rectum (e.g., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum,
Chlamydia) may contribute to proctocolitis.
participants and their family members.
Infections with Shigella, Giardia,
Cryptosporidium, rotavirus, and other agents are very
common and should be considered.
persons. Infectious diarrhea is one of the most frequent
categories of nosocomial infections in many hospitals and long-term care
facilities; the causes are a variety of microorganisms but most commonly Clostridium difficile.
TABLE 2 Association between Pathobiology of Causative
Agents and Clinical Features in Acute Infectious Diarrhea
Incubation Period
Abdominal Pain
Toxin producers
Preformed toxin
Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
1–8 h
8–24 h |
3–4+, watery
Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Aeromonas species
8–72 h
3–4+, watery
Enteropathogenic and enteroadherent, E. coli, Giardia
organisms, cryptosporidiosis, helminths
1–8 d
1–2+, watery
Clostridium difficile
1–3 d
1–3+, usually watery, occasionally bloody
Hemorrhagic E. coli
12–72 h
1–3+, initially watery, quickly bloody
Invasive organisms
Minimal inflammation
Rotavirus and Norwalk agent
1–3 d
1–3+, watery
Variable inflammation
Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Aeromonas
species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia
12 h–11 d
1–4+, watery or bloody
Severe inflammation
Shigella species, enteroinvasive E.
coli, Entamoeba histolytica
12 h–8 d
1–2+, bloody
pathophysiology underlying acute diarrhea by infectious agents produces
specific clinical features that may also be helpful in diagnosis (Table 2).
Profuse watery diarrhea secondary to small bowel hypersecretion occurs with ingestion of preformed bacterial toxins,
enterotoxin-producing bacteria, and enteroadherent pathogens. Diarrhea
associated with marked vomiting and minimal or no fever may occur abruptly
within a few hours after ingestion of the former two types; vomiting is usually
less, and abdominal cramping or bloating is greater; fever is higher with the
latter. Cytotoxin-producing and invasive microorganisms all cause high fever
and abdominal pain. Invasive bacteria and Entamoeba
histolytica often cause bloody diarrhea (referred to as dysentery). Yersinia invades the
terminal ileal and proximal colon mucosa and may cause especially severe
abdominal pain with tenderness mimicking acute appendicitis.
infectious diarrhea may be associated with systemic manifestations. Reiter's
syndrome (arthritis, urethritis, and conjunctivitis) may accompany or follow
infections by Salmonella, Campylobacter,
Shigella, and Yersinia.
Yersiniosis may also lead to an autoimmune-type thyroiditis, pericarditis, and
glomerulonephritis. Both enterohemorrhagic E. coli
(O157:H7) and Shigella can lead to the hemolytic-uremic syndrome with an attendant high mortality
rate. Acute diarrhea can also be a major symptom of several systemic infections
including viral hepatitis, listeriosis,
legionellosis, and toxic shock
Other Causes
effects from medications are probably the most common noninfectious cause of
acute diarrhea, and etiology may be suggested by a temporal association between
use and symptom onset. Although innumerable medications may produce diarrhea,
some of the more frequently incriminated include antibiotics, cardiac
antidysrhythmics, antihypertensives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), certain antidepressants, chemotherapeutic agents, bronchodilators,
antacids, and laxatives. Occlusive or nonocclusive ischemic
colitis typically occurs in persons >50 years, often presents as
acute lower abdominal pain preceding watery, then bloody diarrhea, and
generally results in acute inflammatory changes in the sigmoid or left colon
while sparing the rectum. Acute diarrhea may accompany colonic diverticulitis and graft-versus-host
disease. Acute diarrhea, often associated with systemic compromise, can
follow ingestion of toxins including organophosphate insecticides, amanita and
other mushrooms, arsenic, and preformed environmental toxins in seafoods, such
as ciguatera and scombroid. The conditions causing chronic diarrhea can also be
confused with acute diarrhea early in their course. This confusion may occur
with inflammatory bowel disease and some of the other inflammatory chronic
diarrheas that may have an abrupt rather than insidious onset and exhibit
features that mimic infection.
decision to evaluate acute diarrhea depends on its severity and duration and on
various host factors (Fig. 2). Most episodes of acute diarrhea are mild and
self-limited and do not justify the cost and potential morbidity of diagnostic
or pharmacologic interventions. Indications for evaluation include profuse
diarrhea with dehydration, grossly bloody stools, fever ≥38.5° C, duration
>48 h without improvement, new community outbreaks, associated severe
abdominal pain in patients >50 years, and elderly (≥70 years) or
immunocompromised patients. In some cases of moderately severe febrile diarrhea
associated with fecal leukocytes (or increased fecal levels of the leukocyte
proteins) or with gross blood, a diagnostic evaluation might be avoided in
favor of an empirical antibiotic trial (see below).
cornerstone of diagnosis in those suspected of severe acute infectious diarrhea
is microbiologic analysis of the stool. Workup includes cultures for bacterial
and viral pathogens, direct inspection for ova and parasites, and immunoassays
for certain bacterial toxins (C. difficile), viral
Algorithm for the management of acute diarrhea. Consider empirical Rx before
evaluation with (*) metronidazole and (†) with quinolone.
antigens (rotavirus), and
protozoal antigens (Giardia, E.
histolytica). The aforementioned clinical and epidemiologic associations
may assist in focusing the evaluation. If a particular pathogen or set of
possible pathogens is so implicated, then either the whole panel of routine
studies may not be necessary or, in some instances, special cultures may be
appropriate as for enterohemorrhagic and other types of E.
coli, Vibrio species, and Yersinia.
Molecular diagnosis of pathogens in stool can be made by identification of
unique DNA sequences; and evolving microarray technologies could lead to a more
rapid, sensitive, specific, and cost-effective diagnostic approach in the
diarrhea is commonly due to Giardia, but additional
causative organisms that should be considered include C.
difficile (especially if antibiotics had been administered), E. histolytica, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, and others. If stool studies are unrevealing,
then flexible sigmoidoscopy with biopsies and upper endoscopy with duodenal
aspirates and biopsies may be indicated.
examination by sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or abdominal computed tomographic
scanning (or other imaging approaches) may be appropriate in patients with
uncharacterized persistent diarrhea to exclude inflammatory bowel disease, or
as an initial approach in patients with suspected noninfectious acute diarrhea
such as might be caused by ischemic colitis, diverticulitis, or partial bowel
Fluid and electrolyte
replacement are of central importance to all forms of acute diarrhea. Fluid
replacement alone may suffice for mild cases. Oral sugar-electrolyte solutions
(sport drinks or designed formulations) should be instituted promptly with
severe diarrhea to limit dehydration, which is the major cause of death.
Profoundly dehydrated patients, especially infants and the elderly, require
intravenous rehydration.
moderately severe nonfebrile and nonbloody diarrhea, antimotility antisecretory
agents such as loperamide can be useful adjuncts to control symptoms. Such
agents should be avoided with febrile dysentery, which may be exacerbated or
prolonged by them. Bismuth subsalicylate may reduce symptoms of vomiting and
diarrhea but should not be used to treat immunocompromised patients because of
the risk of bismuth encephalopathy.
use of antibiotics is appropriate in selected instances of acute diarrhea and
may reduce its severity and duration (Fig. 2). Many physicians treat moderately
to severely ill patients with febrile dysentery empirically without diagnostic
evaluation using a quinolone, such as ciprofloxacin (500 mg bid for 3 to 5 d).
Empirical treatment can also be considered for suspected giardiasis with
metronidazole (250 mg qid for 7 d). Selection of antibiotics and dosage
regimens are otherwise dictated by specific pathogens and conditions found.
Antibiotic coverage is indicated whether or not a causative organism is
discovered in patients who are immunocompromised, have mechanical heart valves
or recent vascular grafts, or are elderly. Antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated
for certain patients traveling to high-risk countries in whom the likelihood or
seriousness of acquired diarrhea would be especially high, including those with
immunocompromise, inflammatory bowel disease, or gastric achlorhydria. Use of
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or ciprofloxacin may reduce bacterial diarrhea in
such travelers by 90%.
lasting >4 weeks warrants evaluation to exclude serious underlying
pathology. In contrast to acute diarrhea, most of the many causes of chronic
diarrhea are noninfectious. The classification of chronic diarrhea by
pathophysiologic mechanism facilitates a rational approach to management (Table
TABLE 3 Major Causes
of Chronic Diarrhea According to Predominant Pathophysiologic Mechanism
Secretory causes
Exogenous stimulant laxatives
Chronic ethanol ingestion
Other drugs and toxins
Endogenous laxatives (dihydroxy bile acids)
Idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Certain bacterial infections
Bowel resection, disease, or fistula (↓ absorption)
Partial bowel obstruction or fecal impaction
Hormone-producing tumors (carcinoid, VIPoma, medullary cancer of thyroid, mastocytosis, gastrinoma, colorectal villous adenoma)
Addison's disease
Congenital electrolyte absorption defects
Osmotic causes
Osmotic laxatives (Mg2+, PO43-, SO42-)
Lactase and other disaccharide deficiencies
Nonabsorbable carbohydrates (sorbitol, lactulose, polyethylene glycol)
Steatorrheal causes
Intraluminal maldigestion (pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, bacterial overgrowth, liver disease)
Mucosal malabsorption (celiac sprue, Whipple's disease, infections, abetalipoproteinemia, ischemia)
Postmucosal obstruction (1° or 2° lymphatic obstruction)
Inflammatory causes
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's chronic ulcerative colitis)
Microscopic and collagenous colitis
Immune-related mucosal disease (1° or 2° immunodeficiencies, food allergy, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, graft-vs-host disease)
Infections (invasive bacteria, viruses, and parasites)
Radiation injury
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Dysmotile causes
Visceral neuromyopathies
Drugs (prokinetic agents)
Factitial causes
Exogenous stimulant laxatives
Chronic ethanol ingestion
Other drugs and toxins
Endogenous laxatives (dihydroxy bile acids)
Idiopathic secretory diarrhea
Certain bacterial infections
Bowel resection, disease, or fistula (↓ absorption)
Partial bowel obstruction or fecal impaction
Hormone-producing tumors (carcinoid, VIPoma, medullary cancer of thyroid, mastocytosis, gastrinoma, colorectal villous adenoma)
Addison's disease
Congenital electrolyte absorption defects
Osmotic causes
Osmotic laxatives (Mg2+, PO43-, SO42-)
Lactase and other disaccharide deficiencies
Nonabsorbable carbohydrates (sorbitol, lactulose, polyethylene glycol)
Steatorrheal causes
Intraluminal maldigestion (pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, bacterial overgrowth, liver disease)
Mucosal malabsorption (celiac sprue, Whipple's disease, infections, abetalipoproteinemia, ischemia)
Postmucosal obstruction (1° or 2° lymphatic obstruction)
Inflammatory causes
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's chronic ulcerative colitis)
Microscopic and collagenous colitis
Immune-related mucosal disease (1° or 2° immunodeficiencies, food allergy, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, graft-vs-host disease)
Infections (invasive bacteria, viruses, and parasites)
Radiation injury
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Dysmotile causes
Visceral neuromyopathies
Drugs (prokinetic agents)
Factitial causes
diarrheas are due to derangements in fluid and electrolyte transport across the
enterocolic mucosa. They are characterized clinically by watery, large-volume
fecal outputs that are typically painless and persist with fasting. Because
there is no malabsorbed solute, stool osmolality is accounted for by normal
endogenous electrolytes with no fecal osmotic gap.
effects from regular ingestion of drugs and toxins are the most common
secretory causes of chronic diarrhea. Hundreds of prescription and
over-the-counter medications (see “Other Causes of Acute Diarrhea,” above) may
produce unwanted diarrhea. Surreptitious or habitual use of stimulant laxatives
[e.g., senna, cascara, bisacodyl, ricinoleic acid (castor oil)] must also be
considered. Chronic ethanol consumption may cause a secretory-type diarrhea due
to enterocyte injury with impaired sodium and water absorption as well as to
rapid transit and other alterations. Inadvertent
ingestion of certain environmental toxins (e.g., arsenic) may lead to chronic
rather than acute forms of diarrhea. Certain bacterial infections may
occasionally persist and be associated with a secretory-type diarrhea.
Although uncommon,
the classic examples of secretory diarrhea are those mediated by hormones. Metastatic gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors or, rarely, primary bronchial carcinoids may produce watery diarrhea
alone or as part of the carcinoid syndrome that comprises episodic flushing,
wheezing, dyspnea, and right-sided valvular heart disease. Diarrhea is due to
the release into the circulation of potent intestinal secretagogues including
serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, and various kinins. Pellagra-like skin
lesions may rarely occur as the result of serotonin overproduction with niacin
depletion. Gastrinoma, one of the most common
neuroendocrine tumors, most typically presents with refractory peptic ulcers,
but diarrhea occurs in up to one-third of cases and may be the only clinical
manifestation in 10%. While various secretagogues released with gastrin may
play a role, the diarrhea most often results from fat maldigestion owing to
pancreatic enzyme inactivation by low intraduodenal pH. The watery diarrhea
hypokalemia achlorhydria syndrome, also called pancreatic
cholera, is due to a non-β cell pancreatic adenoma, referred to as a VIPoma, that secretes vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
and a host of other peptide hormones including pancreatic polypeptide,
secretin, gastrin, gastrin-inhibitory polypeptide, neurotensin, calcitonin, and
prostaglandins. The secretory diarrhea is often massive with stool volumes
>3 L/d; daily volumes as high as 20 L have been reported. Life-threatening
dehydration; neuromuscular dysfunction from associated hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, or hypercalcemia; flushing; and hyperglycemia may accompany a
VIPoma. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid may present
with watery diarrhea caused by calcitonin, other secretory peptides, or
prostaglandins. This tumor occurs sporadically or, in 25 to 50% of cases, as a
feature of multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa with pheochromocytomas and
hyperparathyroidism. Prominent diarrhea is often associated with metastatic
disease and poor prognosis. Systemic mastocytosis,
which may be associated with the skin lesion urticaria pigmentosa, may cause
diarrhea that is either secretory and mediated by histamine or inflammatory and
due to intestinal filtration by mast cells. Large colorectal
villous adenomas may rarely be associated with a secretory diarrhea that
may cause hypokalemia, can be inhibited by NSAIDs, and is apparently mediated
by prostaglandins.
these defects cause watery diarrhea from birth and include defective Cl-/HCO3-
exchange (congenital chloridorrhea) with alkalosis and
defective Na+/H+ exchange with acidosis. Some hormone
deficiencies may be associated with watery diarrhea, such as occurs with
adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison's disease) that may be accompanied by
Osmotic Causes
diarrhea occurs when ingested, poorly absorbable, osmotically active solutes
draw enough fluid lumenward to exceed the resorptive capacity of the colon.
Fecal water output increases in proportion to such a solute load. Osmotic
diarrhea characteristically ceases with fasting or with discontinued oral
intake of the offending agent.
of magnesium-containing antacids, health supplements, or laxatives may induce
osmotic diarrhea typified by a stool osmotic gap: 2([Na] + [K]) <290
mosm/kg. Anionic laxatives containing sulfates or phosphates produce osmotic
diarrhea without an osmotic gap, as sodium accompanies the anionic solutes;
direct measurement of stool sulfates and phosphates may be necessary to confirm
the cause of diarrhea.
malabsorption due to acquired or congenital defects in brush-border
disaccharidases and other enzymes leads to osmotic diarrhea with a low pH. One
of the most common causes of chronic diarrhea in adults is lactase
deficiency, which affects three-fourths of non-Caucasians worldwide and
5 to 30% of persons in the United States; most learn to avoid milk products
without an intervention. Some sugars, such as sorbitol, are universally
malabsorbed, and diarrhea ensues with ingestion of ample medications, gum, or
candies sweetened with these nonabsorbable sugars. Lactulose, used to acidify
stools in patients with hepatic failure, also causes diarrhea on this basis.
Steatorrheal Causes
malabsorption may lead to greasy, foul-smelling, difficult-to-flush diarrhea
often associated with weight loss and nutritional deficiencies due to
concomitant malabsorption of amino acids and vitamins. Increased fecal output
is caused by the osmotic effects of fatty acids, especially after bacterial
hydroxylation, and, to a lesser extent, by the burden of neutral fat.
Quantitatively, steatorrhea is defined as stool fat exceeding the normal 7 g/d;
daily fecal fat averages 15 to 25 g with small intestinal diseases and is often
>40 g with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Intraluminal maldigestion,
mucosal malabsorption, or lymphatic obstruction may produce steatorrhea.
condition most commonly results from pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, which
occurs when >90% of pancreatic secretory function is lost. Chronic pancreatitis, usually a sequela of ethanol abuse,
most frequently causes pancreatic insufficiency. Other causes include cystic fibrosis, pancreatic duct obstruction,
and rarely, somatostatinoma. Bacterial overgrowth in
the small intestine may deconjugate bile acids and alter micelle formation that
impairs fat digestion; it occurs with stasis from a blind-loop, small bowel
diverticulum or dysmotility and is especially likely in the elderly. Finally,
cirrhosis or biliary obstruction may lead to mild steatorrhea due to deficient
intraluminal bile acid concentration.
malabsorption occurs from a variety of enteropathies but most prototypically
and perhaps most commonly from celiac sprue. This
gluten-sensitive enteropathy characterized by villous atrophy and crypt
hyperplasia in the proximal small bowel often presents with fatty diarrhea
associated with multiple nutritional deficiencies of varying severity and
affects all ages. Tropical sprue may produce a similar
histologic and clinical syndrome but occurs in residents of or travelers to
tropical climates; its often abrupt onset and response to antibiotics suggest
an infectious etiology. Whipple's disease, due to the
actinomycete Treponema whippleii and histiocytic
infiltration of the small bowel mucosa, is a less common cause of steatorrhea
that most typically occurs in young or middle-aged men; it is frequently
associated with arthralgias, fever, lymphadenopathy, and extreme fatigue and
may affect the central nervous system and endocardium. A similar clinical and
histologic picture results from Mycobacterium
avium-intracellulare infection in patients with AIDS. Abetalipoproteinemia
is a rare defect of chylomicron formation and fat malabsorption in children
associated with acanthocytic erythrocytes, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa.
Several other conditions may cause mucosal malabsorption including infections,
especially with protozoa such as Giardia, numerous
medications (e.g., colchicine, cholestyramine, neomycin), and chronic ischemia.
pathophysiology of this condition, which is due to the rare congenital
intestinal lymphangiectasia or to acquired lymphatic
obstruction secondary to trauma, tumor, or infection, leads to the
unique constellation of fat malabsorption with enteric losses of protein (often
causing edema) and lymphocytes (with resultant lymphocytopenia) that enter the
portal circulation directly. Carbohydrate and amino acid absorption are
Inflammatory Causes
diarrheas are generally accompanied by pain, fever, bleeding, or other
manifestations of inflammation. The mechanism of diarrhea may not only be
exudation but, depending on lesion site, may include fat malabsorption,
disrupted fluid/electrolyte absorption, and hypersecretion or hypermotility
from release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. The unifying
feature on stool analysis is the presence of leukocytes or leukocyte-derived
proteins such as calprotectin. With severe inflammation, exudative protein loss
can lead to anasarca (generalized edema). Any middle-aged or older person with
chronic inflammatory-type diarrhea, especially with blood, should be carefully
evaluated to exclude a colorectal or large enteric tumor.
illnesses in this category, which include Crohn's disease
and chronic ulcerative colitis, are among the most
common organic causes of chronic diarrhea in adults and range in severity from
mild to fulminant and life-threatening. They may be associated with uveitis,
polyarthralgias, cholestatic liver disease (primary sclerosing cholangitis),
and various skin lesions (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum). Microscopic colitis, including collagenous
colitis, is an increasingly recognized cause of chronic watery diarrhea;
biopsy of a normal appearing colorectum is required for histologic diagnosis.
may lead to prolonged infectious diarrhea. With common, variable hypogammaglobulinemia, diarrhea is particularly prevalent
and often the result of giardiasis.
infiltration of the mucosa, muscularis, or serosa at any level of the
gastrointestinal tract may cause diarrhea, pain, vomiting, or ascites. Affected
patients often have an atopic history, Charcot-Leyden crystals due to extruded
eosinophil contents may be seen on microscopic inspection of stool, and
peripheral eosinophilia is present in 50 to 75% of patients. While
hypersensitivity to certain foods occurs in adults, true food allergy causing
chronic diarrhea is rare.
inflammatory diarrhea may be caused by radiation
enterocolitis, chronic graft-versus-host disease,
Behçet's syndrome, and Cronkite-Canada
syndrome, among others.
Dysmotile Causes
transit may accompany many diarrheas as a secondary or contributing phenomenon,
but primary dysmotility is an unusual etiology of true diarrhea. Stool features
often suggest a secretory diarrhea, but mild steatorrhea of up to 14 g of fat
per day can be produced by maldigestion from rapid transit alone. Hyperthyroidism, carcinoid syndrome,
and certain drugs (e.g., prostaglandins, prokinetic agents) may produce
hypermotility with resultant diarrhea. Primary visceral neuromyopathies or
idiopathic acquired intestinal pseudo-obstruction may lead to stasis with
secondary bacterial overgrowth causing diarrhea. Diabetic
diarrhea, often accompanied by peripheral and generalized autonomic
neuropathies, may occur in part because of intestinal dysmotility.
exceedingly common irritable bowel syndrome (10% point
prevalence, 1 to 2% per year incidence) is characterized by disturbed
intestinal and colonic motor and sensory responses to various stimuli. Symptoms
of stool frequency typically cease at night, alternate with periods of
constipation, are accompanied by abdominal pain relieved with defecation, and
rarely result in weight loss or true diarrhea.
Factitial Causes
diarrhea accounts for up to 15% of unexplained diarrheas referred to tertiary
care centers. Either as a form of Munchausen syndrome
(deception or self-injury for secondary gain) or bulimia,
some patients covertly self-administer laxatives alone or in combination with
other medications (e.g., diuretics) or surreptitously add water or urine to
stool sent for analysis. Such patients are typically women, often with
histories of psychiatric illness, and disproportionately from careers in health
care. Hypotension and hypokalemia are common co-presenting features. Such
patients often deny this possibility when confronted, but they do benefit from
psychiatric counseling when they acknowledge their behavior.
laboratory tools available to evaluate the very common problem of chronic
diarrhea are extensive, and many are costly and invasive. As such, the
diagnostic evaluation must be rationally directed by a careful history and
physical examination, and simple triage tests are often warranted before
complex investigations are launched (Fig. 3). The history, physical
examination, and routine blood studies should attempt to characterize the
mechanism of diarrhea, identify diagnostically helpful associations, and assess
the patient's fluid/electrolyte and nutritional status. Patients should be
questioned about the onset, duration, pattern, aggravating (especially diet)
and relieving factors, and stool characteristics of their diarrhea. The
presence or absence of fecal incontinence, fever, weight loss, pain, certain
exposures (travel, medications, contacts with diarrhea), and common
extraintestinal manifestations (skin changes, arthralgias, oral aphtha) should
be noted. Physical findings may offer clues such as a thyroid mass, wheezing,
heart murmurs, edema, hepatomegaly, abdominal masses, lymphadenopathy,
mucocutaneous abnormalities, perianal fistulae, or anal sphincter laxity.
Peripheral blood counts may reveal leukocytosis that suggests inflammation;
anemia that reflects blood loss or nutritional deficiencies; or eosinophilia
that may occur with parasitoses, neoplasia, collagen-vascular disease, allergy,
or eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Blood chemistries may demonstrate electrolyte,
hepatic, or other metabolic disturbances.
A therapeutic
trial is often appropriate, definitive, and highly cost effective when a
specific diagnosis is suggested on the initial physician encounter. For
example, chronic watery diarrhea, which ceases with fasting in an otherwise
healthy young adult, may justify a trial of a lactose-restricted diet; bloating
and diarrhea persisting since a mountain backpacking trip may warrant a trial
of metronidazole for likely giardiasis; and postprandial diarrhea persisting
since an ileal resection might be due to bile acid malabsorption and be treated
with cholestyramine before further evaluation. Persistent symptoms require
additional investigation.
3 Algorithm for the management of chronic diarrhea.*
Dysmotility presents variable stool profile.
diagnoses may be suggested on the initial encounter, e.g., idiopathic
inflammatory bowel disease; however, additional focused evaluations may be
necessary to confirm the diagnosis and characterize the severity or extent of
disease so that treatment can be best guided. Patients suspected of having
irritable bowel syndrome should be initially evaluated with proctosigmoidoscopy
and mucosal biopsies; those with normal findings might be reassured and, as
indicated, treated empirically with antispasmodics, antidiarrheals, bulk
agents, anxiolytics, or antidepressants. Any patient who presents with chronic
diarrhea and hematochezia should be evaluated with stool microbiologic studies
and colonoscopy.
In an
estimated two-thirds of cases, the cause for chronic diarrhea remains unclear
after the initial encounter, and further testing is required. Quantitative
stool collection and analyses can yield important objective data that may
establish a diagnosis or characterize the type of diarrhea as a triage for
focused additional studies (Fig. 3). If stool weight is >200 g/d, additional
stool analyses should be performed that might include electrolyte
concentration, pH, occult blood testing, leukocyte inspection (or leukocyte
protein assay), fat quantitation, and laxative screens.
For secretory
diarrheas (watery, normal osmotic gap), possible medication-related side
effects or surreptitious laxative use should be reconsidered. Microbiologic
studies should be done including fecal bacterial cultures (including media for Aeromonas and Pleisiomonas),
inspection for ova and parasites, and Giardia antigen
assay (the most sensitive test for giardiasis). Small bowel bacterial
overgrowth can be excluded by intestinal aspirates with quantitative cultures
or with glucose or xylose breath tests involving measurement of breath hydrogen
or other metabolite (e.g., 14CO2). However,
interpretation of these breath tests may be confounded by disturbances of
intestinal transit. When suggested by history or other findings, screens for
peptide hormones should be pursued (e.g., serum gastrin, VIP, calcitonin, and
thyroid hormone/thyroid stimulating hormone, or urinary 5-hydroxyindolacetic
acid and histamine). Upper endoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies and
small-bowel barium x-rays are helpful to rule out structural or occult
inflammatory disease.
evaluation of osmotic diarrhea should include tests for lactose intolerance and
magnesium ingestion, the two most common causes. Low fecal pH suggests
carbohydrate malabsorption; lactose malabsorption can be confirmed by lactose
breath testing or by a therapeutic trial with lactose exclusion and observation
of the effect of lactose challenge (e.g., a quart of milk). Lactase
determination on small-bowel biopsy is generally not available. If fecal Mg2+
or laxative levels are elevated, then inadvertent or surreptitious ingestion
should be considered and psychiatric help should be sought.
For those
with proven fatty diarrhea, endoscopy with small-bowel biopsy (including
aspiration for Giardia and quantitative cultures)
should be performed; if this procedure is unrevealing, a small-bowel radiograph
is often an appropriate next step. If small-bowel studies are negative or if
pancreatic disease is suspected, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency should be
excluded with direct tests, such as the secretin-cholecystokinin stimulation
test, or by indirect tests, such as assay of fecal chymotrypsin activity or a
bentiromide test.
inflammatory-type diarrheas should be suspected by the presence of blood or
leukocytes in the stool. Such findings warrant stool cultures, inspection for
ova and parasites, C. difficile toxin assay,
colonoscopy with biopsies, and, if indicated, small-bowel oral contrast
of chronic diarrhea depends on the specific etiology and may be curative,
suppressive, or empirical. If the cause can be eradicated, treatment is
curative as with resection of a colorectal cancer, antibiotic administration
for Whipple's disease, or discontinuation of an offending drug. For many
chronic conditions, diarrhea can be controlled by suppression of the underlying
mechanism. Examples include elimination of dietary lactose for lactase
deficiency or gluten for celiac sprue, use of glucocorticoids or other
anti-inflammatory agents for idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases, adsorptive
agents such as cholestyramine for ileal bile acid malabsorption, proton pump
inhibitors such as omeprazole for the gastric hypersecretion of gastrinomas,
somatostatin analogues such as octreotide for malignant carcinoid, prostaglandin
inhibitors such as indomethacin for medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and
pancreatic enzyme replacement for pancreatic insufficiency. When the specific
cause or mechanism of chronic diarrhea evades diagnosis, empirical therapy may
be beneficial. Mild opiates such as diphenoxylate or loperamide are often
helpful in mild or moderate watery diarrhea. For those with more severe
diarrhea, codeine or tincture of opium may be beneficial. Such antimotility
agents should be avoided with inflammatory bowel disease, as toxic megacolon
may be precipitated. Clonidine, an α2-adrenergic agonist, may allow
control of diabetic diarrhea. For all patients with chronic diarrhea, fluid and
electrolyte repletion is an important component of management (see “Acute
Diarrhea,” above). Replacement of fat-soluble vitamins may also be necessary in
patients with chronic steatorrhea.
is a common complaint in clinical practice and usually refers to persistent,
difficult, infrequent, or seemingly incomplete defecation. Because of the wide
range of normal bowel habits, constipation is difficult to define precisely.
Most persons have at least three bowel movements per week; however, stool
frequency alone is not a sufficient criterion for the diagnosis of constipation
because many constipated patients describe a normal frequency of defecation but
subjective complaints of excessive straining, hard stools, lower abdominal
fullness, and a sense of incomplete evacuation. The individual patient's
symptoms must be analyzed in detail to ascertain what is meant by
“constipation” or “difficulty” with defecation.
Stool form
and consistency are well correlated with the time elapsed from the preceding
defecation. Hard, pellety stools occur with slow transit, while loose watery
stools are associated with rapid transit. Small, pellety stools are more
difficult to expel than large ones.
TABLE 4 Causes of Constipation in Adults
Types of Constipation and Causes
Recent onset
Colonic obstruction
Neoplasm: stricture: ischemic, diverticular, inflammatory
Anal sphincter spasm
Anal fissure, painful hemorrhoids
Irritable bowel syndrome
Constipation–predominant, alternating
Ca2+ blockers, antidepressants
Colonic pseudo-obstruction
Slow transit constipation, megacolon (rare Hirschsprung's, Chagas)
Disorders of rectal evacuation
Pelvic floor dysfunction, anismus, descending perineum syndrome,
rectal mucosal prolapse, rectocele
Hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, pregnancy
Psychiatric disorders
Depression, eating disorders, drugs
Neurologic disease
Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury
Generalized muscle disease
Progressive systemic sclerosis
perception of hard stools or excessive straining is more difficult to assess
objectively, and the need for enemas or digital disimpaction is a clinically
useful way to corroborate the patient's perceptions of difficult defecation.
Psychosocial factors may also be
important. A person whose parents attached great importance to daily defecation
will become greatly concerned when he or she misses a daily bowel movement;
some children withhold stool to gain attention; and some adults are simply too
busy or too embarrassed to interrupt their work when the call to have a bowel
movement is sensed.
chronic constipation generally results from inadequate fiber intake or from
disordered colonic transit or anorectal function as a result of a
neurogastroenterologic disturbance, certain drugs, or in association with a large
number of systemic diseases that affect the gastroinestinal tract (Table 4).
Constipation of recent onset may be a symptom of significant organic disease
such as tumor or stricture. In idiopathic constipation,
a subset of patients exhibit delayed emptying of the ascending and transverse
colon with prolongation of transit (often in the proximal colon) and a reduced
frequency of propulsive colonic contractions (HAPCs). Outlet
obstruction to defecation (also called evacuation
disorders) may cause delayed colonic transit, which is usually corrected
by biofeedback retraining of the disordered defecation. Constipation of any
cause may be exacerbated by chronic illnesses that lead to physical or mental
impairment and result in inactivity or physical immobility.
A careful
history should explore the patient's symptoms and confirm whether he or she is
indeed constipated based on frequency (e.g., fewer than three bowel movements
per week), consistency (lumpy/hard), excessive straining, prolonged defecation
time, or need to support the perineum or digitate the anorectum. In the vast
majority of cases (probably >90%), there is no underlying cause (e.g.,
cancer, depression, or hypothyroidism), and constipation responds to ample
hydration, exercise, and supplementation of dietary fiber (15 to 25 g/d). A
good diet and medication history and attention to psychosocial issues are key.
Physical examination and, particularly, a rectal examination should exclude
most of the important diseases that present with constipation and possibly
indicate features suggesting an evacuation disorder (e.g., high anal sphincter
There is broad consensus on
the selection of patients for further investigation. The presence of weight
loss, rectal bleeding, or anemia with constipation mandates either
sigmoidoscopy plus barium enema or colonoscopy alone, particularly in patients
>40 years, to exclude structural diseases such as cancer or strictures.
Colonoscopy alone is most cost effective in this setting since it provides an
opportunity to biopsy mucosal lesions, perform polypectomy, or dilate
strictures. Barium enema has advantages over colonoscopy in the patient with
isolated constipation, since it is less costly and identifies colonic
dilatation and all significant mucosal lesions or strictures that are likely to
present with constipation. Melanosis coli, or pigmentation of the colon mucosa,
indicates the use of anthraquinone laxatives such as cascara or senna; however,
this is usually apparent from a careful history. An unexpected disorder such as
megacolon or cathartic colon may also be detected by colonic radiographs.
Measurement of serum calcium and thyroid stimulating hormone levels will
identify rare patients with metabolic disorders.
Algorithm for the management of constipation.
with more troublesome constipation may not respond to fiber alone and may be
helped by a bowel training regimen: taking an osmotic laxative and evacuating
with enema or glycerine suppository as needed. After breakfast, a
distraction-free 15 to 20 min on the toilet without straining is encouraged.
Excessive straining may lead to development of hemorrhoids, and, if there is
weakness of the pelvic floor or injury to the pudendal nerve, may result in
obstructed defecation from descending perineum syndrome several years later.
Those few who do not benefit from the simple measures delineated above or
require long-term treatment with stimulant laxatives with the attendant risk of
developing laxative abuse syndrome are assumed to have severe or intractable
constipation and should have further investigation (Fig. 4).
A small
minority (probably <5%) of all patients with constipation have cases that
are considered severe or “intractable”; these are the patients most likely to
be seen by gastroenterologists or in referral centers. Further observation of
the patient may occasionally reveal a previously unrecognized cause, such as an
evacuation disorder, laxative abuse, malingering, or psychiatric disorder. In
these patients, recent studies suggest that evaluations of the physiologic
function of the colon and pelvic floor and of psychological status aid in the
rational choice of treatment. Even among these highly selected patients with
severe constipation, a cause can be identified in only about 30% (see below).
Measurement of Colonic Transit
marker transit tests are easy, repeatable, generally safe, inexpensive,
reliable, and highly applicable in evaluating constipated patients in clinical
practice. There are several validated methods that are very simple. For
example, radiopaque markers are ingested, and an abdominal flat film taken 5 d
later should indicate passage of 80% of the markers out of the colon. This test
does not provide useful information about the transit profile of the stomach
and small bowel, and avoidance of laxatives or enemas during the testing period
is essential.
with a delayed-release capsule containing radiolabeled particles has been used
to noninvasively characterize normal, accelerated, or delayed colonic function
over 24 to 48 h with low radiation exposure. This approach simultaneously
assesses gastric, small-bowel, and colonic transit. The disadvantages are the
greater cost and the need for specific materials prepared in a nuclear medicine
Anorectal and Pelvic Floor
floor dysfunction is suggested by the inability to evacuate the rectum, a
feeling of persistent rectal fullness, rectal pain, the need to extract stool from
the rectum digitally, application of pressure on the posterior wall of the
vagina, support of the perineum during straining, and excessive straining.
These significant symptoms should be contrasted with the sense of incomplete
rectal evacuation, which is common in irritable bowel syndrome.
with clinically suspected obstruction of defecation should also be evaluated by
a psychologist to identify eating disorders or a “need to control,” to provide
stress management or relaxation training, and to identify depression.
A simple
clinical test in the office to document a nonrelaxing puborectalis muscle is to
have the patient strain to expel the index finger during a digital rectal
examination. Motion of the puborectalis posteriorly during straining indicates
proper coordination of the pelvic floor muscles.
of perineal descent is relatively easy to gauge clinically by placing the
patient in the left decubitus position and watching the perineum to assess
either paucity or lack of descent (<1.5 cm, a sign of pelvic floor
dysfunction) or perineal ballooning during straining relative to bony landmarks
(>4 cm, suggesting excessive perineal descent).
A useful
overall test of evacuation is the balloon expulsion test. A urinary catheter is
placed in the rectum, the balloon is inflated to 50 mL with water, and a
determination is made about whether the patient can expel it while seated on a
toilet or in the left lateral decubitus position. In the lateral position, the
weight needed to facilitate expulsion of the balloon (normal, 0 to 200 g) is
manometry is not often contributory in the evaluation of patients presenting
with severe constipation, except when an excessively high resting or squeeze
anal sphincter tone suggests anismus (anal sphincter spasm). This test also
identifies rare syndromes, such as adult Hirschsprung's disease, by the absence
of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex or the presence of occult incontinence.
(a dynamic barium enema including lateral views obtained during barium
expulsion) reveals “soft abnormalities” in many patients; the most relevant
findings are the measured changes in rectoanal angle, anatomic defects of the
rectum, and enteroceles or rectoceles. In a very small proportion of patients, significant
anatomic defects associated with intractable constipation respond best to
surgical treatment. These defects include severe intussusception with complete
outlet obstruction due to funnel-shaped plugging at the anal canal or an
extremely large rectocele that is preferentially filled during attempts at
defecation instead of expulsion of the barium through the anus. In summary,
defecography requires an interested and experienced radiologist, and
abnormalities are not pathognomonic for pelvic floor dysfunction. More
commonly, outlet obstruction results from a nonrelaxing puborectalis muscle,
which impedes rectal emptying, rather than from defects identified by
Dynamic imaging studies such
as proctography during defecation or scintigraphic expulsion of artificial
stool help measure perineal descent and the rectoanal angle during rest,
squeezing, and straining, and scintigraphic expulsion quantitates the amount of
“artificial stool” emptied. Failure of the rectoanal angle to increase significantly
(~15°) during straining confirms pelvic floor dysfunction.
testing (electromyography) is more helpful in the evaluation of patients with
incontinence than of those with symptoms suggesting obstructed defecation. The
absence of neurologic signs in the lower extremities suggests that any
documented denervation of the puborectalis results from pelvic (e.g.,
obstetric) injury or from stretching of the pudendal nerve by chronic,
long-standing straining.
identifies sphincter or rectal wall defects and may help select patients for
surgical correction. Spinal-evoked responses during electrical rectal
stimulation or stimulation of external anal sphincter contraction by applying
magnetic stimulation over the lumbosacral cord identify patients with limited
sacral neuropathies with sufficient residual nerve conduction to attempt
biofeedback training.
In summary,
a balloon expulsion test is an important screening test for anorectal
dysfunction. If positive, an anatomic evaluation of the rectum or anal
sphincters and an assessment of pelvic floor relaxation are the tools for
evaluating patients in whom obstructed defecation is suspected.
After the
cause of constipation is characterized, a treatment decision can be made. Slow
transit constipation requires aggressive medical or surgical treatment; anismus
or pelvic floor dysfunction usually responds to biofeedback management (Fig.
4). However, only about 30% of patients with severe constipation are found to
have such a physiologic disorder.
Patients with slow transit
constipation are treated with bulk, osmotic, and stimulant laxatives, including
fiber, psyllium, milk of magnesia, lactulose, polyethylene glycol (colonic
lavage solution), and bisacodyl. If a 2- to 3-month trial of medical therapy
fails and patients continue to have documented slow transit constipation
unassociated with obstructed defecation, colectomy with ileorectostomy is
indicated. The decision to resort to surgery is facilitated in the presence of
megacolon and megarectum. The complications after surgery include small-bowel
obstruction (11%) and fecal soiling, particularly at night during the first
postoperative year.
who have a combined disorder should pursue pelvic floor retraining (biofeedback
and muscle relaxation), psychological counseling, and dietetic advice first,
followed by colectomy and ileorectosomy if colonic transit studies do not
normalize with biofeedback alone. In patients with pelvic floor dysfunction
alone, biofeedback training has a 70 to 80% success rate, measured by the
acquisition of comfortable stool habits. Attempts to manage pelvic floor
dysfunction with operations (internal anal sphincter or puborectalis muscle
division) have achieved only mediocre success and have been largely abandoned.